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Un grand bonjour à la Communauté!

Come and join the first SAP Inside Track in Paris!

The most of you know that a SAP Inside Track (SIT) is a local grassroots community organised event where SAP Community Network members come together to share knowledge and expertise, and to network about SAP related topics. SAP Inside Tracks have been very successful in countries all over the World.

Come to learn and share your knowledge with your peers as well as make new friends in an informal atmosphere.

SAP Inside Track events offer Community provided sessions from SAP Experts and passionate SCN members.

We invite you to participate and help us to do a great event. Don’t forget to invite your colleagues.


The SAP Inside Track event will take place in Paris December 1rst 2017.


Tour SAP, Paris, Audimax

Address: 35 rue d'Alsace F 92300 Levallois-Perret, see also GoogleMaps




For local and global SAP community (customers, consultants, freelancers, startups, press and bloggers, SAP employees) plus for those totally new to SAP. The most important is that you want to share and gain some knowledge and new buddies.


Registration for SAP Inside Track Paris is open now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sap-inside-track-paris-2017-registration-36904383003

Sessions and Agenda

Call for speakers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bPbhfbHTdAGuEo688PI4V6JtCQ2qSp5H6a6I__uQCQs/edit


The hashtag for this SAP Inside Track is #sitParis

The official twitter account is @SITParis

About agenda, accomodation and travel info, social events etc., please take a look at  the Wiki page SIT Paris:

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