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Stay up to date with the biggest SAP event in the Brazilian Northeast. October 28th at the Hotel Luzeiros in Fortaleza. Also, follow our online lectures that take place from 20 to 27 October.

Online Lectures:

Date Brazilian Time Name Lecture name SAP Module
10/19/2023 18h Manuel Robalinho Analyzing costing in S/4HANA Costing SAP
10/20/2023 18h Prasath Elumalai Production Planning Production
10/23/2023 18h Daniel Mateo Predictive Accounting in SAP S/4HANA Finance
10/24/2023 18h Sarto Junior Understand the MII integrated into the 4.0 industry SAP-MII
10/25/2023 12h30 Shaik Azmathulla SAP BTP - Integration Suite BTP
10/26/2023 18h Jonys Arcanjo VAT determination using Machine Learning Machine Learning
10/27/2023 18h Késsia Salazar Migration Cockpit 2022: main improvements to optimize Data Load processes MD / Master Data


Onsite Lectures on 28 October 2023, Luzeiros Hotel - Fortaleza

Time Duration Lecture Name Speaker
8:45 00:15 Event Open
9:00 00:05 Sponsor Makevalue
9:05 00:25 Rise assertiveness in your finances Kledhson Bogo
9:30 00:40 SAP C4C: Simplification of the sales process Luciano Bertoluzzi
10:10 00:15 Sponsor Dongkuk
10:25 00:40 Migration strategies to S/4 HANA Maycon Franco
11:05 00:30 Coffee-break + giveaways
11:35 00:30 SAP BTP SAP
12:05 00:15 Sponsor Stefanini
12:20 00:40 Migration strategies-Stress points in finance Marssel Vilaça
13:00 01:15 Lunch break
14:15 00:05 Afternoon start + giveaways
14:20 00:15 Sponsor GFX
14:35 00:30 How english improve your work ? Maicon Lima
15:05 00:15 Sponsor Solveplan
15:20 00:40 Planning with SAC- Case Alexandre Kuntgen
16:00 00:30 Coffee-break + giveaways
16:30 00:15 Sponsor Accenture
16:45 00:40 Practical application of S/4 HANA technology Luciano Casado
17:25 00:20 Sponsor Aço Cearense-Projeto favela 3D
17:45 00:15 Event Close + giveaways


Follow online lectures and Luzeiros Hotel event in the YouTube page:


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