For the last several months we've been hosting the
SAP Community Report Live open call with all of you at the end of each month. Well for March(ish) we are actually going to shake it up a bit and team up again with the
Developer Advocates -- to provide a gathering that will give us all a much-needed chance to relax and connect.
As a community, we are all
going through different things right now, and that's challenging. In some cases, we can easily
reach out for help; in other cases, we may feel like we're on our own. But I like to think that as a collective group from around the globe we can always lean on each other for support -- and, if nothing else, we can lend a sympathetic ear while we adjust to our changing world.
With that in mind, our next call will offer different opportunities for you to get what you need -- whether it's looking to expand your knowledge, educate your kids, or just enjoy a beverage with your peers.

We're cordially inviting you -- and for those of you with children, your kids (as we know many parents are home with them, due to school closures) -- to SAP Community Report Live on
Thursday, April 2 starting at 16:30 CET.
Topic: SAP Community Report - Live March 2020
Time: Apr 2, 2020 04:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
As always, we'll have a main room where can hang out and chat about SAP Community topics (although we're going to loosen things up and encourage people to bring up other subjects too -- as we all have a lot on our mind!). But our meeting platform also allows for breakout rooms, so you'll be able to hop into other areas where you can receive training (or have a few laughs!). We'll even have a room for the youngsters.
Here are the options:
- Main Room - Chat, talk, hangout
- Breakout Room - Coding for Kids, an introduction to Scratch with
- Breakout Room - Getting Started with Steampunk with thomas.jung
- Breakout Room - Happy Hour (for those of us in the appropriate timezone and of legal age)
- Breakout Room - Adapting to virtual presentations with timo.elliott
Between the main room and breakout sessions, we're sure we'll have something fun for everyone. So please save the date. We look forward to having you join us!