Today was the first SAP Mentor SAP Community call for 2017
Figure 1: Source: SAP
Speakers are shown in Figure 1. Recording is available
here. Slides are available
Figure 2
Speakers and host, Chris Kernaghan
Figure 3: Source: SAP
Catalog of API's, test are at
Figure 4: Source: SAP
Transformation from analog to digital development, more of an application composition consisting of microservices
API's are the new "B2B"
"API's are the building blocks for digital transformation"
"Free your data"
"Empower self-service"
"Single source of truth"
"API's are about agility"
Chris: Twitter, FaceBook, MapMyfitness etc.... all had OpenAPI
Figure 5: Source: SAP
SOAP/WSDL - for open integration; not see too much any more - for application to application integration
Figure 6: Source: SAP
New microservices such as text analytics, text translations, exposed as API's
Figure 7: Source: SAP
Example of S4HANA API
Figure 8: Source: SAP
SuccessFactors API's are shown in Figure 8
Figure 9: Source:SAP
Concur uses APIs to integrate
Figure 10: Source: SAP
Ariba will have Open API
Figure 11: Source: SAP
How to find the right API? Document is spread, need a better way
This is why the SAP API Business Hub, announced at SAPPHIRENOW last year
"Time To First Call "
Figure 12: Source: SAP
Summary of the webinar is on Figure 12
Figure 13: Source: SAP
Figure 13 shows the API strategy, 4 components
Business Hub lists API's
API program to work with partners to list API's with "lightweight governance", defining best practices
API Maker community - how to engage
Cloud API - content coming from SAP which can be turned on in cloud platform
Figure 14: Source: SAP
Watch the recording for a demo
Feedback from DJ Adams:
"One thing I really like with this demo is that from a client-tool perspective, we are seeing *nothing* that is SAP proprietary. A browser, a terminal window and an editor."
Question & Answer
Question: what kind of partners are selected for integration into API Business Hub?
A: existing partners with integration to SAP
Partners offering microservices
Q: What is the difference to the SAP Hybris YaaS marketplace?
A: YaaS - buy a microservice is a catalog
Q: do we have to fight with SAP Cloud Identity to authenticate, or can we use a simple access token (I think the answer is the latter, as I noticed a token in the JavaScript example)
A: The idea of making sandbox APIs available was to allow users to make calls to the APIs using only their assigned API Keys. This was shown by making a cURL request directly to the API Business Hub endpoint.
Q: is this running on APIGEE ?
Apigee: no change for customers!
Currently the relationship between SAP and Apigee/Google remains as before. There are some components of Apigee in the API Business Hub, but much of it is SAP Homegrown
Q: would there be recommendation on the API Management product from SAP for customers who want to implement on-premise API capabilities?
A: SAP OEMs the Apigee API Management product for customers who wish to remain purely OnPrem (called SAP API Management by Apigee). However, unless there is no expectation of external use we still recommend API Management on HCP
Q: Could we add a policy here to insert CORS headers in the response (so we can consume beyond same-origin, for testing etc)?
A: Consume the API into SAP HCP API Management (this can be done on HCP Trial), and add a CORS Policy in API Management. This allows cross-origin requests to be made against the APIs.
Q: so what roles does YaaS Marketplace playfor API Business Hub? is this the place where I buy all listed APIs? Or just the APIs that are hosted on YaaS Marketplace?
A: commercialization is on YaaS. Catalog to search, discover and test is SAP API Business Hub
Q: Would you have a sample customer landscape picture that works with SAP Cloud API Strategy ?
A: No, maybe time to put one together