April 15 is
World Art Day as it coincides with Leonardo da Vinci’s (1452–1519) birthday. Regarded as one of the greatest artists of all time, he is well known for his two remarkable paintings: The Mona Lisa & The Last Supper and has become a symbol of peace, freedom of expression, and tolerance. World Art Day symbolizes and promotes awareness of creativity worldwide, which is why we dedicated it to one of our
Random Day Surprise missions in the community. Some people make art their living, some people enjoy art as a hobby, and some just recently (re)discovered their talent in art. My colleague
katarina.fischer published a
blog post that I think fits perfectly with World Art Day. I hope you'll find it interesting.
If you are someone in our community who consumes content, follows other members who share their knowledge and contribute insights, but you aren’t doing so yourself (yet), you may sometimes feel like we only recognize those who do and are active in SAP Community. We are recognizing and rewarding those who write things and share their wisdom, as bottom line is, without them we would have nothing to see here – literally! But you are also part of SAP Community and when you are liking that content or voting on it, provide value too. Yes, you provide value, and we aim to recognize that.
This blog post is to recognize you, the “engagers” in our community, who earned our
Random Day Surprise badge which we award sporadically as a fun way to recognize every member who participates in our community on a particular day that is kept secret until that day.
Just recently, we awarded Random Day Surprise on April 15,
World Art Day. If you participated in our community on that day, you earned this cute badge:
Thank you for your participation, and keep it going! You never know when the next Random Day Surprise may happen…
Members who participated in SAP Community on World Art Day, April 15 // Note: If you earned any other badges last week in addition to this one, your name appears in my
Weekly Mission & Badge Roundup // April 12 - April 18, 2021 instead:
| lahari_02 | | robertolombardi |
| lakshmipathi.ganesan | | robin.haettich |
| lamsl | | Former Member |
| laoula | | roda.xavi |
| larisagasparin | | rodneyg519 |
| larsen523 | | roger.sainsbury |
| latifa | | rogerioborges |
| lau009 | | rohit_sharma_8 |
| laxmana.p | | roland.kramer |
| leesmith | | roman-e |
| leilabenhariz | | romit.c |
| leizletamayo | | rpandey3 |
| lena.grothaus | | rpeyer |
| leonard.siah | | rrogi001 |
| leoniewe | | rshafaiottawa |
| leoryan | | rubensvm |
| letilllules | | rubentoelle |
| levinefinger | | rudmanpeter |
| lihuatang | | ruffault |
| likhithkrishna | | ruhikawadiya |
| lily7410thomas | | rupali.ray |
| linda.pender | | rupesh.brahmankar3 |
| lingaiahvanam | | ryan.crosby2 |
| lionconsultingspa | | ryan.throop1 |
| lionel.passerino | | rzieschang |
| liulei | | rzozmann |
| llllune | | s.sriram |
| lochner.louw2 | | s2121. |
| loic.moisan2 | | sabine.weintauer77 |
| loki_luo15 | | sachinbr |
| lorraine.yao | | sachinskakumar |
| lostamaya90 | | safetotsitex3 |
| lotteb | | sagar17 |
| lputhanvedu | | sagarsalyan |
| lrigo | | sahil_shaikh |
| luanwr | | saicharan31 |
| lucamuselli | | saipachipulusu7 |
| luciana_teixeira | | sajeewamb |
| luisalejandro.ruiz | | sallyxu-cn |
| luisdelgadoosorio | | sam_sun |
| luisgz | | samdavies |
| lukasmetzger | | sameer.gupte2 |
| lukasz.krys | | sameerali.khan |
| m.garnier | | samwills928 |
| m.koester | | samyasay |
| m.kreitlein | | sanathkumar.malyala |
| machjennifer | | sandeepk6891 |
| madedo | | sandeepmalisap |
| madhud51 | | sandra.rossi |
| madhuri_dubey1 | | sandra.thimme |
| madhusap | | sangeeta.mahendrakar |
| mageshwaran.subramanian | | sangeethat |
| magic_yang | | sanjeevabuddha |
| mahaboob.pathan | | santhanalakshmi.sankarakrishnan2 |
| maheshkumar.palavalli | | sap_dev20 |
| maiara | | sapcy |
| maik_bosch | | sapeksh_gupta |
| maisie_f | | sapires |
| malenamorgan | | sapnewbee007 |
| malog | | sapstudent |
| mandy.krimmel | | sapsuresh14 |
| maneeshchandran | | sarah.detzler |
| manfred.klein3 | | sarah.youssef |
| manikandan_kannan14 | | saramendes |
| manish.pant005 | | sascha.reissig |
| manishkumarsingh | | saskia.guckenburg |
| manivannan0606 | | satishvch81 |
| manjunath.gudisi | | saumitra.deshmukh2 |
| manoj16393 | | saurabhkabra2009 |
| mansouri_med | | saurabhlovesgod |
| manthana99 | | saurabhsharma981 |
| mantri.shekar | | sauravpal |
| manuel.stampp | | savitadaid |
| manupj | | savithas19 |
| marc.mauri | | sayedzubaird |
| marcel.schaefer | | 6e829fd780204f76b10f492049a3773c |
| marceloneoqeav | | schneider.dnl |
| marcia.cunat | | schneidert |
| marco_gruner14 | | scna08 |
| 5b60217fdcaf4502801f587a5b9dba56 | | se38 |
| marco.dahms | | sean.dsilva |
| marco.valencia | | sean.mcgann3 |
| marco.wagner2 | | segonda |
| marcusvarjao | | selaskst01 |
| marek.benda.hcm | | selcuktokgoz |
| margot.wollny | | selimyavuz |
| maria_santana | | sencomvn |
| maria.bezrukova | | Former Member |
| Former Member | | sercan_oeztuerk |
| marianne.loenen | | sergedem1968 |
| marinaromero | | sergei.haller.u-niq |
| mario.faustner1 | | sergio.ferrari2 |
| mario.fetzner | | 9958e4b6df99431a84a41b015b639ac8 |
| mariop | | sevak |
| mariss. | | sgablepa |
| marius-hahn | | sgustason1855 |
| mariusobert | | shahalizai |
| marjorie.philippon | | shahrukhb |
| mark.fry999 | | shailendra.purekar |
| b1fc906998264958b81574c23baebd57 | | shailesh.mishra5 |
| mark.whately | | shamiroy123 |
| markpedley | | shankardatta |
| markus.ganser | | shanmukhtejas6242_3 |
| markus.ganser2 | | shantibhushan.chowdhury |
| markus.goebel | | sharathvuppala0564 |
| markus.gradl | | sheth747 |
| markuskrammer | | shikin |
| marlosdamasceno | | shilpi.hcl07 |
| marshalgwata | | shiv123 |
| martaseptauli2339 | | shiva.surabhi |
| martin_lionel | | shivakrishnaj |
| martin.lohmeier2 | | shruraj09 |
| martin.maruskin2 | | shs2077 |
| martin.stenzig3 | | shubham_2719 |
| martina.kirschenmann | | shubham.annadate96 |
| martinkolb | | sijin.chandran |
| marvin_gille | | sikindar.a |
| marvinp | | silvandri |
| marwa.ladgham | | silvano.silva |
| mary.mchale-roe | | silvia.gaber |
| masokhan64 | | simao15 |
| massimo.nanni1 | | simon2shula1 |
| massimo781 | | sindhujajayapandiyan |
| mat.beerkens2 | | siongchao.ng |
| mate.meszar | | sissi.ruthe |
| mateen.popatia | | sissy0510 |
| mateuszadamus | | sivakumarsubramaniam |
| mathewswilson831 | | skieyes |
| mathias.kemeter | | slavi.damianov |
| mathias.klein | | slavisa.lecic |
| matias.calgaro | | slotjava88 |
| matic.jezersek | | c9f8de6ef0704cac8b4246c3c6e79ac1 |
| matthew.billingham | | smccarth |
| matthias.hollstein | | smeeta.ramasamy |
| matthias.wild | | smithjohnsap |
| maxgag2 | | smuessemeier |
| maxime.simon | | smuthrej |
| maximiliano.isoba | | snehamore28 |
| mayte.cosme | | soh2bmdk |
| mayur_sonawane | | sohail.sarwar |
| mayurichauhan | | Former Member |
| mchrista | | sombhu.shaw |
| meenasks | | songsun26 |
| meetvineet | | sonia_zbidi2 |
| megha.kumari | | sonia.bernardoprez |
| mehh | | soumikbasu |
| melanie_holtbruegge | | soumyajit.roy |
| memoprots | | souvik_sinha |
| mengyuan | | sp0123 |
| menkade | | speedy314 |
| mertaktas | | sperstorfer |
| mervin.man | | sravya.talanki2 |
| mfarrikjamal | | sreekanthreddy1989 |
| mfornieles | | sridharkumar |
| mhegerwb | | srikanth.sista4 |
| mhmohammed | | srikanthin |
| micaela-pinela | | srinivas.koneti |
| michael_van | | srinivas2 |
| michael.biber2 | | srinivas80k |
| michael.ernzerhoff | | sriprasadshivaramabhat |
| michael.mueller | | srivishnu.ks2 |
| michael.szmrtits | | ssoni |
| michael.waugh | | st.bk |
| michal.biegun | | st.schnell |
| c436ae948d684935a91fce8b976e5aa7 | | stanbeko |
| michellechang | | stefan_sl |
| miguelangel.arinoclarke | | stefan-de-vriendt |
| mikey.ong | | stefan.himmelhuber |
| mikhail.naumov2 | | stefan.koerner_jh |
| minakshi.karan | | stefania-santimbrean |
| minhvuongkma | | steffen_butschbacher32 |
| mioyasutake | | steffenretz |
| miranda.slvio | | steffens |
| mirko.friedrich | | stephan.albrecht |
| mitesh128 | | stephanie_baab |
| mithra2020_ | | steven.desaeger |
| mithunkr_cbs | | steven.maguire |
| mjveerhuis | | steven.tilashalski |
| mkarakus54 | | steverdan |
| mlingbeek | | strittmatter |
| mmoser1 | | stvmarshall |
| mmysyk | | subbu1567 |
| mneyra | | subhrsaha |
| mohamed.siah | | subramanian.santhanam |
| mohitsachdeva90 | | sudheer.jallipalli2 |
| moisealx | | sujata_jena15 |
| moncombu.raju | | sujithnairsap42 |
| mondalta | | suk12285 |
| monica.domingo | | suman.misra |
| monicareyes990 | | sumanporandla |
| moodycharles037 | | sumit.kundu2 |
| 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a | | sumitjais |
| moty.moshin.sap | | sungmo |
| mpande | | sunil1101 |
| mpmore | | sunilkollabathini.datacom |
| mpowers | | sunsam2 |
| mr074422 | | support_19 |
| mrbass | | supriyakadam128 |
| mrodriguez-henley | | surendra.reddy |
| mshealy | | susan.simons |
| msole80 | | suser2021 |
| mts83 | | sushant.nath2 |
| muhammad.ilyas.macter | | susiexu |
| muhammad.rafay | | svea.becker |
| muhsiddique | | sven.feurer |
| mukulcclbd | | svenhuberti |
| murali.ewa.bh | | svenkelemen |
| mustafa_74199 | | svs.sap |
| mutharasu | | swapnilkumar |
| mynyna.chau | | swarrenjr |
| naeem.maqsud | | swati.balani |
| nagasamy | | sybille.lackermeier |
| nandita2343 | | syed93 |
| nansz_22 | | sylvain.p |
| nanzeng | | sylvia.strack |
| naotosakai | | sylwia.ganiec |
| naseemallika14 | | sziegler |
| navo_11 | | szymaczekm |
| nawfal.tazi1 | | takaaki_tabuchi |
| nbalasubramanian | | takao_kumoi0 |
| nemanja.simovic.avnet | | tamara_malinc |
| nic.teunckens | | tamas.hoznek |
| nicky-24 | | tamer_abdelsalam2003_54 |
| nicolas.alech | | tanckst |
| nicoleta666 | | tanya.page4 |
| nidhisingh14 | | tapansays |
| nijith | | tarun.arora |
| nikhilbagayatkar | | tauhid |
| niklas_schmitt | | tdhirendra3221 |
| nina_l | | tearm |
| niranjan_arit14 | | teb2067 |
| niranjan1215 | | tebyon_consulting |
| niten28 | | tejas.khanna1 |
| nitesh.jain3 | | tgalvin |
| nitssaxena2608 | | thangarajthomas39 |
| njila | | thanu_sk0394_5 |
| noelbaez | | tharaka.fernando |
| nordjouren | | thatothipe22 |
| notevirus7 | | thayyil |
| novop | | theewmquestion |
| noydujurta | | thehookahlab20 |
| nsb9fe | | theresa.prawdzik |
| nuno_silva_oliveira49 | | thomas.buerki |
| o.saifudinova | | thomas.frenehard |
| oanastan | | thomas.janssen |
| occoromomis | | thomas.jenewein |
| ocid | | thomas.jentsch |
| octavian_dum99 | | thomas.jung |
| oddss | | thomas.ryegaard.christensen |
| 01224e03a1874b69919eab14e401e433 | | thomasjones |
| odinmarole | | thorsten.dencker |
| olga.dolinskaja | | ti1 |
| oliver.lehmann | | tiaahuja |
| olram76 | | tim_zhang_cxmt |
| olushola | | tim.harper |
| ommprakash | | tim.ibe |
| omprakash.jha | | tim.nusch |
| ondrej_zach | | tim82 |
| oscar.diaz | | timo.bauer2 |
| oscar.zeng88 | | timo.stuemper87 |
| otto.boehrer | | timothy.cleaveland |
| owen.liu | | tobias.czech |
| ozibtissam | | tobias.trapp |
| p_negi | | tobias.wecht |
| p.ecetasli | | tobiaslink |
| p2monaco | | tobiasmache |
| pablo_jose_brutau_quintana56 | | tobiasz.holtyn |
| pabloreigrodriguez | | tokgozatakan |
| pandya | | tom.wan |
| paniclearnx0 | | tomas9152 |
| panther.williams | | tomaspotzy70 |
| paolo.fornari3 | | tonekavcic |
| papawel | | toni.uhlemann |
| pardhreddyc | | tonja.kehrer |
| parmeetsingh | | tony.licitra |
| parthgoda | | tony.liuhongtao |
| pat-aldridge | | torsten.lorenz |
| pat.baker | | tpurchase123 |
| paul-pinard | | traciholman |
| paul.mcnally1 | | trijeeta.acharjee5 |
| paul.ritschel | | triminhle |
| paularossi | | tsrao_sap |
| paulo.vitoriano | | tsvetealex |
| pavan.kandalam | | tuncay.karaca |
| pavan124 | | turkyilmazadem |
| pavangolesar | | udo.eirich3 |
| pavel.chromecek | | ugur_karaoglu |
| payel26 | | ugurcang |
| pcarver | | ulrich.sander |
| pe_programmering_pc | | Former Member |
| peeyush | | uotjung |
| peppybiz | | urs.henle |
| pernalm52 | | uwe_fuessel |
| peroner | | v.iyer |
| peter.atkin | | v.s5 |
| peter.inotai | | v9djoshi |
| peter.jarsunek | | vadim.kalinin |
| peter.kovalcik | | vamsikrishnayvs |
| petrus.hoffer | | vamsilakshman.pendurti |
| petteroe | | vanessa.barth |
| pgarcgarc | | varun.jain3 |
| philip.mugglestone | | vasanth.vf |
| pianowack | | vasil_kisyov |
| pieprzyk.maciej | | vbak24 |
| pierre.col | | vbarrionuevo |
| piotr.tesny | | vbordia |
| piyush_saraf | | veenamampilly1234 |
| pkonda | | veera1234 |
| planningfactorybermuda | | veilis |
| pmcfarling | | venkatesh_5672 |
| polly.gan | | venkateshbabu.gv2 |
| ponrajasekharan | | venkateswaray.guptha |
| pooja_agrawal211 | | venuchowdary |
| potnuru.manikyaraju | | venumashety |
| prabakaran.gurusamy2 | | verakovic |
| pradeepgurumurthy | | vervinckt.joyca |
| prajyi | | vgnanasambanthan |
| prasanna93 | | vidhya123 |
| prasanta84 | | viettoannguyen |
| prashanthprasuu | | vigneshveerasamy |
| prashantpp | | vigvasud |
| prasobh.prakash | | vijay.kumar49 |
| prathapareddym | | vijaya.kumar |
| praveen.g539 | | vijaykrishna.gudala |
| praveenkr79 | | vijuvijesh |
| praveenreddy009 | | vikaschopra |
| priyanka.agarwal | | vikramsoundankar.soundankar |
| priyankgaddala | | vinay_j |
| priyanksh9425 | | vinay.malempati |
| progetti.supporto | | vinay.sathyanarayan |
| prorochenko | | vinaygiri |
| przemyslaw.tracz | | vincent8 |
| pshivadeep | | vinod.srinivasan2 |
| punithb23 | | vinodb |
| pvnierop | | vipnewsonline |
| qiansheng.wang | | viraj_saha |
| quamer.fatima | | vishal.parmar.hmmh |
| r_torres | | vishalcpa |
| r.lindemann | | vishaljain2108 |
| r.r.flores | | vishwasn |
| rabraham | | vitaliy.rudnytskiy |
| radek_uhlir | | vitaly.izmaylov |
| rafael.huapaya | | vittal.d |
| raghavendra.jayaram2 | | viviana.venturini |
| raghavendra.sai | | vladlena |
| rahul_suri | | vmathieu11 |
| rahul.jain257 | | vnamita9095 |
| rahuldeep_attri | | vobu |
| rajagopal1010 | | volker.binder |
| rajeshkumar.rajeshkumar | | warlei.delimafigueiredo |
| rajeshreddy.bhavanam | | wdaehn |
| rajneesh.mohankumar | | wei-shang.ku |
| raju-kumar | | wei.cui |
| rakesh-mourya | | weihan |
| rakesh.more3 | | wendy.wu |
| rakeshmourya | | whm4291_75 |
| ralf.koehler | | wilbersimenez |
| ram2linkin | | will1467 |
| ramco_1917 | | william.yu |
| rameshabhi1 | | willian_hideki_kubota |
| ramsri | | wnikhil |
| ramthata | | wobi |
| raphael.geoffroy | | c3d1947136cd4c748a7aa794001af496 |
| rashmi-a | | wvanlangendonck |
| rashmiranjan.behera | | wwnemitz |
| raul_campo | | xin.jiang2 |
| ravi_h | | xocoyotl |
| ravi.sirigiri | | y.colina |
| raviv | | yadukrish007 |
| raya.hemanth | | yankee_alpha |
| rbcoletoy | | yatanveersingh |
| rbuddam | | yatsea.li |
| rbyrne | | yayatiekbote |
| rchamplin | | 2f2973f7cd564696b6bae50675d7671c |
| rcit | | ying.shi |
| rdemchuk | | ykayyali |
| reenadholaria | | yoganandamuthaiah |
| reinachv | | yogesh_chaturvedi85 |
| rena.takahashi | | yong.zhao4 |
| renaathaleydtamista | | yoona.kim |
| renan.paulino_scn | | yoseph.tavianusandreas |
| renaud.petit.sap | | ypsilon_consulting |
| repakulamanoj6 | | yuto_t |
| rgirlando | | yves.augustin2 |
| riccardo.brogi | | z8syb |
| richard.vermeij | | zajac123 |
| rishi.dahiya2 | | zamparda |
| rist_99_rr84 | | zhangjun163 |
| rittika_sood | | zhangkimi |
| rkhanalizadeh | | zhenkuailetianzi |
| rlilja | | zhuravsky.a |
| robert_herrmann13 | | ziabuildingmaintenance |
| robert.fischer4 | | zohair1709_36 |
| robert.kelly2 | | zordon |
| robvid | | |