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To understand the value of Google Plus for marketers and identify the hot spots of activity, JC Giraldo and I asked our peers to share their personal opinions on the network.  Turns out: "Google Plus is the company picnic". Read on.

This blog is part two in a series. In the first blog, The Truth about Google Plus, JC Giraldo and I, started to look into the viability of G+ for marketers, sifting through research reports.

This blog presents the results of an informal survey we conducted within our personal networks of G+ users, asking them to share their experiences and opinions.


Of course we conducted this survey on G+:

Randy Milanovic


  • Probably the biggest epiphany I've had about GPlus is that there's an influencer type that nobody ever thinks about, yet is the largest population of all: the decision maker's influencer (I.e. You, I and our contacts - not the big guys).
  • When I'm in GPlus or LinkedIn, I'll take engagement with a regular Joe influencer over even a decision-maker any day. These are the people who will be your champion.
  • My measure of success here is in the quality of conversations.


Carrie-Anne Foster
I'm on G+ because I find it very engaging.
  • I've yet to +mention someone and not have them acknowledge me in some way. The influencers are warm, welcoming and encouraging. Plussers want to help you as much as they are able to.
"Facebook reminds me of high school. It's fun, silly, and you don't really learn anything that benefits you in the real world. Google Plus reminds me of university. Still fun, but has a more serious tone. Information that you can use in the real world is constantly coming across your news feed. "
I measure my success...
  • ...on Google Plus based on the level of engagement I do. The connections I make and how much I am learning.
  • I feel G+ is going very good for me and it has become my favourite social media platform by far.

HOA's are my favourite feature!
  • I love being able to interact with people in real-time. Plus it's wonderful to see/hear a person talk as opposed to reading what they write.

For anyone who is new to Google Plus, my best advice is to remember that you'll get out of it what you put in. It's a social platform and users want to engage with other users. Don't be shy!
Beth Lee Browning
Why am I here
  • I started on Google Plus because I was interested in Google Authorship. I've learned that there's a whole lot more to it than that. After accidentally deleting my Google Plus Profile last March, I've become an even bigger fan.
  • IMO Google Plus is the best network for curating interesting information and useful content from an incredibly wide variety of sources.
  • I'm also here for the networking - I've met some really great people and my connections have led to real business opportunities. And of course there's also the potential for increased visibility in personalized search results for people I'm connected with.

Google Plus vs Facebook
  • I find Facebook to be very oriented toward personal sharing. When I'm on Facebook I'm not thinking about business, which is why I think it can work for B2C but I'm not convinced of it's value for B2B marketing.

My favorite feature
  • HOA's. I love adding ones that are about a topic I'm interested in to my calendar and going back to watch it later. I do like the hangouts for one on one conversations.

How do I measure success- hmmmm
  • I also feel like it's the place in which I find the most content that I can learn from.
  • Also engagement is one measure, but another measure is that I can attribute actual business opportunities to my activity on the platform. Some have been very direct such as a referral from someone in my network and others have been indirect, but I can trace the lead back to something that had to do with Google Plus.

My additional 2 cents would be around LinkedIn vs Google Plus
  • LinkedIn and Google Plus have two very different cultures.
  • For me, LinkedIn is the professional breakfast meeting, a place where personal updates are rarely if ever shared and the conversation centers only on business.
  • Google Plus on the other hand is the company picnic, a gathering where people are still on their best behavior but they introduce you to their kids and chat about hobbies and interests outsideof work.

If you use both platforms well, prospective clients or recruiters have the opportunity to see the authentic and well-rounded you and that might help you seal the deal.

Elle Hubbard
I came to G+ for the authorship and found nothing to like.
  • When I returned with a determination to get to understand it better, I started to really enjoy it. That was mainly down to +Mark Vang inviting me to his community where I have learnt so much. I now love it!

I use FB only to keep up with family, and to connect with clientswho follow my page.
  • I have a small following there but they seem pretty engaged when I do post, which is infrequent.

I expect, I should have G+ goals for my business that measure my success...
  • ...but actually, I measure it by the connections I have made, the fact that I care about finding out what is going on with them, and that I feel I have a good grasp of how to use the platform, and I mean use, rather than leverage. From a business perspective I should probably try harder!

My favorite feature is...
  • ...the knowledge contained within the collective minds on the platform. I have picked up so many tips and ideas along the way, that really make a difference to my business. Some have come through HOA's and some through posts or comments, so that is why the feature is knowledge rather than any particular facility.