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***This mission has ended***

SAP Community Beta is now open to all the community members! We strongly encourage you to explore all the features and functionalities of the new platform, and request that you report any bugs or issues. To learn how to submit feedback, read SCN Beta Feedback Process.

To encourage testing in SAP Community Beta, the SCN Gamification Core team is happy to announce a new mission. You can earn the badge shown here and gain 5 points.

Complete Sequentially:

  1. Read and bookmark this blog
  2. Explore SAP Community Beta
  3. Complete any of the SAP Community Beta Missions
  4. Take screenshot from your Beta Universal Profile or Notifications AFTER the badges from your completed SAP Community Beta Missions are visible
  5. Share your experiences and submit your screenshot as comments here (please post at the end) - only valuable contributions count!
  6. If you find any bugs or issues, report them by starting a discussion in the SCN Open Beta space

Screenshot Instructions:

Please note: There may be a delay before the Beta Mission badges show up on your Universal Profile once you complete a Beta mission. Please be patient with the beta site. Also, kindly allow a few days for the SAP Community Beta Tester badge to show up on your current SCN profile as this is not be an automatic mission.

More Information: To learn more about the exciting changes that the SCN Reputation Program is going through as we transition into the new community, read Caroleigh Deneen's Reputation Program Reloaded and A Glimpse Ahead: New Community, New Missions.

Video Instructions: Tip in a Minute: How to Earn the SAP Community Beta Tester Badge

Happy Testing!

SCN Gamification Core Team

0 Kudos

I like the new modern and clean design but I don't like that now a Community is just a part of the portal, a menu item.. It is confusing what the portal really is. The old SCN is better by my opinion but is not mobile friendly. Think I'll just have to get used to the new portal..

0 Kudos

Hi Everyone

I've been playing around and familiarising myself with the evolving BETA for quite a while and I'm quite impressed with the functions offered and the layout presentation.

Looking forward to building my profile up over time and continuing my participation with SCN on a daily basis as we continue to evolve and update our channels.

:cool: scnbetavivascn

Former Member
0 Kudos


-Good design.

-Easy navigation.


-Slow reputation system.

-Can't move the uploaded profile picture on the right position.

0 Kudos

0 Kudos

-As mentioned by sebastian.schrock , the profile picture can't be (re-)sized or moved. i've had some trouble positioning it like it is now.

+State of the art design,

+clearly arranged UI.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The new UI is awesome! Simple, clean and friendly.
Q&A is way much better and easier to find the relevant content. It's very similar to Stack Exchange, what's good stuff!

Few problems I've seen:

  • I earned a badge but didn't appear on my profile
  • Every time I go to my profile, there is a message on the top: "Do you like the new profile? Tell us what you think!". I have already given my feedback and the message still there...

0 Kudos

Things I liked :-

-New layout of the community

-Easy to categorize topics and navigate to the site.

-Efficient way of searching all the discussions and documents.

-The way notifications are provided .

-Profile page.

-Universal Profile.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi sajid.amir4

Can you please check my profile above.

Is there anything more required?

Thank you,


Former Member
0 Kudos

I thinks ok now.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Please find below snap from my profile. Please add a beta to my profile. :smile:



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

great work, looking forward to see it live. However it would great to have a special app for iOS/Android to consume the new space on mobile devices, too.

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

I like the fresh look&feel, the blog and the tag-oriented classification.

However, it's a lot different from scn as we know it and then it needs time to get comfortable with it.


0 Kudos

Best part of the new version is less clutter and clean look. The amount of text one gets to view on landing page is overwhelming.

The new version is easy to user and navigate for first timers.

Former Member
0 Kudos

The Beta version is user friendly and easy to accessible.

The bug is Beta missions are not directly visible; we need to search for those missions manually.

The advantages are like below:

The company and location information, languages and elsewhere options are very good.

In the home page we have the option of all the documents and blogs.

The network details are giving in detailed.

overall The Beta version is very good to access.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Easy to create your profile, It will be great if you can see your activities, points and reputation. I do not see that is available for me.

0 Kudos

Things I like:

     - Profile Page

     - Overall look & feel

     - New blogging platform & searching for question can post new question immediately

     - Smart search when publishing question (shows existing questions as suggestions

     - Not so cluttered looking like old SCN blogs

Things I want to see:

     - More intuitive "Action" button

     - "Share" option for content on blog feed

     - Favourite blogs and able to categorize them

0 Kudos

avinash.gowda2and jagdeepsingh83

I am afraid the snapshots you posted are incorrect. Please read the rules carefully!

0 Kudos

Former Member
0 Kudos

attaching my profile snapshot .

This  Beta space is quite responsive but i feel the comment button placed in blogs could be better placed.

i feel some hardship in finding the blog i searched  for .so i think  search can be improved.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Great Blog Sajid

0 Kudos

What I liked:

The new style.

What I dislike:

I had some problem with the authorization when I tried to write a blog post ( You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. )

When I receive a dricet message I have to click to the name of the sender to see the message.

SSO Authentication :smile:

0 Kudos

This is a feedback for whatever I explored till now..
1. Very good UI

2. Simple, plain,classy designs

But I faced issue with uploading the details in 'elsewhere' tab of the profile.
I tried to update my linkedin public profile URL, but it says 'Invalid URL' though the URL is correct (I verified).
Just check this issue once.

It's very fun exploring it. Great Work!!
Will let you know, if I face any issues again.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It was interesting walking though the Beta site.  I have a couple of concerns, though.

1.  It was VERY difficult to find the correct link to ask a question.  I tried several things before I though to click on my avatar to find it.  This is not really an obvious location for me.  I would expect it to be a link on the Questions & Answers page or on the various product/industry/etc. pages.

2.  I'm willing to give the whole tagging system a try, but I'm concerned that it might make it more difficult for those of us who answer questions to find questions to answer.  I wouldn't filter out unanswered questions because sometimes the answer that was given is either not correct or only partially correct.

One other thought:

It would be great if there were "follow" buttons for the various products/industries/etc.  This might help alleviate the concern I expressed in #2 above.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The look and feel is state of the art. I like the clear structure and the colors. Navigation Perfromance could be improved. But nevertheless i enjoyed the new experience. Thanks!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sajid,

Things I like:

- Wordpress for blog authoring;

- Q/A replacing the old forum/thread style is really the way to go nowadays - stackoverflow 😉

Things I dislike:

- Tags are not intuitive or easy to find;

- Link between tags and languages;



0 Kudos

My snapshot

Things I like are:

- Learn from the needs of others

- Share knowledge with other community members

Things I would like to see:

- More people sharing their experiences and knowledge

- Increased participation of members in community course

- More content in Portuguese

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

One thing for the wish-list.... An easier way to insert images - directly from the clipboard - instead of having to save it first.

I had also done the things required for my second badge on the first day - answering questions and commenting - but none of those appeared in my activity list, did anything for "reputation" or seems to have stayed against those posts. It could be user error, but if it is, it seems like something on the UI needs to be made a little more intuitive. Sorry, I know that this seems like a rant with very little hard information to go on. If I see this behavior again, I will try to replicate and report a bug.

Having played around a little more, the activity stream is very, veeerrrry slow to load for me. If it makes any difference, I am on a Mac OS X using the Chrome browser.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Mine is looking like this with no badge or Content List. The new SCN Beta may be should have some tools where if someone is trying to post a new Discussion which is already existing will get immediate links to the similar content threads as notifications/alert.

0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

I have attached my profile screenshot with reputation Badge.



Former Member
0 Kudos


I really like the new platform, it is clean design, easy-to-use, modern looking.

Also the performance is better than the old SCN.

I am a little bit mixed up how can I find the tags I moderate and exactly how can I do that. It is too much hidden and not easy to find. This should be improved.



0 Kudos

0 Kudos

Thank you Mr. Lakshmipathi!

0 Kudos

Hello kaus19d, I am afraid the snapshot you posted is incorrect. Please read the rules carefully.

0 Kudos

great work and good UI.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

But I also tried other options like creating blog through the New Beta & it gives as following

Please help me understand, if I am doing any mistake here? I am trying to create a blog through the New SCN Beta

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

I believe in the

List of SAP Community BETA Missions, I do qualify for the 1st 2 Missions, "First Steps" & "On a Roll". Please update me if I am missing any point in the missions.

0 Kudos

Hello kaus19d I just tried to replicate the bug you pointed out. However, I am able to create a blog post without any issues. Could you please try to replicate the same issue and see if the problem persists? Please make sure that you are logged on by clicking the small people avatar on the top right corner of the universal header before you attempt to create any content or test any functionality of the new platform.

Also please allow some time for the Beta mission badges to show up on your Universal Profile after you have completed the requirements. I just checked your universal profile and you have the First Steps badge. If you have completed the requirements for On a Roll as well, it should also show up in some time. You can also view your earned missions through Notifications. And given you have the First Steps badge, I will include you in the SAP Community Beta Tester achievers list. You will have that badge within the next couple of days as well. If you have further questions please let me know.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The initative is very good. I can see the UI is very attractive as compared to the current SCN community.

The only concern I found was:

- It is very difficult to find the respective community out of the list. I was searching for SAP BusinessObjects WebIntelligence community and I was not able to find it

- Performance wise also the site is very slow, you have to be patient to get to the next screen

- For some pages like Q&A space, I was constantly getting "Page not found" for which i also made a discussion

- Choosing a Primary tag for starting a discussion is also difficult and it wont allow you to choose appropriate tags. Finally I ended up choosing a random tag just to post my query

- Also I liked the functionality which current SCN provides, when you place the cusor on someones name you get some details about that person. Which I didnt find in the Beta version. Hopefully we can see that feature in the new SCN community

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hellow Team,

Its really nice to meet you all at one community


Ravi kumar

0 Kudos

I dislike a bit that the concept of the current "places" seams to got lost in the new SCN.
It would be also very helpful, if the migration of articles/documents would be done more smooth. It's a pain to migrate these documents as all grafics all formatting needs to be done manulally. Eevn wehen using the copy-and-paste of the HTML edit mask the formating in the new SCN is not the same and looks no that good.

What I like is the concept of wiki pages. This gives documents a better dynamic.
Unfortunately in my case I need to wait till a wiki "space" gets created so I could move my created wiki pages to the target one.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

sajid.amir4 So, now ultimately my profile looks like,

Thanks sajid.amir4 for spending time on my profile matter & providing the required assistance on the bug-fix matter.

With Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

Here is mine

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Posted feedback here: SCN Beta - my two cents..

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Areas of Expertise and Badges are missing.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What I like:

  • The new visual experience.
  • The new WordPress based blogging system.

What I miss/do not like so much:

  • Bookmarking of contents is not possible so far (as discussed here: How to bookmark and a question aiming at the design). In general I would like to bookmark good quality content (like blog posts) to be able to access it later w/o doing a "several minute" search. Here the question is also, what happens wth the existing bookmarks created on the Jive based platform, will they get lost?
  • I found not real overview page with the primary tags to be able to follow specific ones. The workaround to use the "browse the community" feature, find a post with the required primary tag and to follow the tag is a litte bit cumbersome.
  • Sometimes there is a "kind of feeling" to get lost respectively not to find the right information/not to see the new posted information cause of the structure of the feeds/areas.

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

Please find below the snapshot of my profile, the reputation have been received as notification, but the badge " First step" are not shown in my profile page.

Feed back : The new look and feel is really good.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sajid,
very nice and friendly UI

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Vadym,
Thanks for Testing!
Perhaps you can also elaborate what you like and what you'd like see to improve as in the mission description of the Beta Tester Badge (this blog) is defined. :wink: