I would like to announce that the new SAP Mentors Quarterly is out. This one covers first quarter of this year (so Q1 2011) and is the second Quarterly of all times. First one was issued before Christmas 2010 and if you missed that one because of the pre-Christmas busy times, you can always read it here
By the way: when I write this article, the average rate of the first Quarterly is 4.77 of 5 having 13 reviews what hopefully means that it is worth reading. We – the Quarterly team - would like to thank everybody who has submitted a short review and hope to get some more).
We plan to release all the future Mentors Quarterly “magazines” as the articles on SCN so if you check out what´s new on SCN, you will not probably miss it. You can also find it through the Not authorized to view the specified document 7840.
And what are the articles you can read in the Q1 2011 Mentors Quarterly?
(Side note: the names of the authors redirect you to their twitter accounts so you can provide quick feedback if you want. We want to hear from you!)
- Jon Reed - The Power of Pull, SAP Style – great personal opinion about how to stay on top of all the information waves and how to benefit from various information sources that are available, how to recognize the best and how to use them for your own good
- Thomas Jung – SAP NetWeaver Releases: A Tale of Two (Or More) Codelines – explanation of the NetWeaver and connected products numbering from the best source about NetWeaver you can get. Must read article for every NetWeaver techie!
- Two invitations from Graham Robinson – invitation to Inside Track Sydney (read: Massive Mentor Muster Happening in Sydney) and invitation the DemoJam Australia (read: DemoJam Downunder).
- Greg Myers - „Not Quite Supported“ Eric Vallo, story about the personal mentors of one of the SAP Mentors. Follows the story of Tammy Powlas in the first Quarterly, where she was introducing her personal mentor. We plan to have this Mentors´ mentors articles in every issue.
- Matt Harding - The Stream that Led to Atlantis – article about the use of the Streamwork tool and interesting topics SAP mentors are talking about and plan to work on.
- Mark Finnern - SAP Mentors: The early day, story about the early days of the all Initiative. Especially about the times when there were no SAP mentors, only the SDN mentors and times where mentors were wearing the fancy turtlenecks. Read the insightful story by the man who started this.
- Tammy Powlas - Student BI Club – Past, Present and Future – some of the Mentors, like Tammy, Ingo Hilgefort, Mico Yuk any some other mentors engage with schools, students and teachers; participate in the SAP University Alliances program, teach about BI/ dashboarding – and this is what this story is about.
- Alvaro Tejada Galindo - Expressing Yourself the Regular Way and the Amazing Blagbert (do you know Dilbert? Forget about him, Blagbert is in the house!). The first one is about expressing yourself through regular expressions in ABAP. Read it to get the idea how and use the examples to take the first steps yourself.
Side note: If you think the formatting of the ABAP code in Alvaro´s article is wrong, don´t blame him, blame me. I was not able to format the source code examples to look like in the real system. Please accept my apology.
And what you can expect for the next quarterly? Here is a short teaser:
- Working from home…does it “work”? Do you work from home? And how is that? Or maybe you would like to work from home but don´t have the right argument to convince your boss? Read the article by Michelle Crapo in Q2 2011!
- SAP Student Congress Updates…did you know? Look for the event report by Tammy Powlas. We plan to continue to cover educational events and activities in future.
- We will also continue doing what we started already: we will offer another story about the Mentors´ mentors, hopefully at least one article for techies, you can laugh reading another Blagbert strip(s) and much more.
I plan to blog more about the Quarterly so stay tuned.
I hope you will like our work, have a nice reading,
Otto Gold, SAPMQ editor-in-chief