You asked for enabling more connections and discussions, we listened and are excited to introduce
Groups (beta) to SAP Community. And what better way to test it out than with SAP TechEd and our own community coffee corner!
The Groups functionality is a new capability that allows individuals with common interests to connect and engage in various activities. Within a Group, content and discussions are focused on a specific topic.
We are kicking off with a couple of Groups. The first being of course our favorite little off-topic area, the Coffee Corner. Since the launch of the Coffee Corner, it has always been within the virtual as well as physical worlds. The existing Coffee Corner will remain for a short period but we do encourage you to come over and join us in
the new one. The second we’ve added is dedicated to SAP TechEd! Come and join the
SAP TechEd Group where you’ll be able to connect with fellow event attendees, engage with the experts, stay up to date about upcoming deep-dive sessions, and more.

There will be additional Groups released in the near future. Stay tuned for details!
To join or access a Group, use the new “Groups” link at the top of the navigation menu on
SAP Community and select a Group.. You may browse and review the content on any Group. Once you are ready to engage, you’ll need to set up your profile first by clicking on the avatar in the right-hand corner of the page. It’s still your same account but in this new area, you will need to select a user name, what others will see when you post and you can, of course, change your avatar picture.

We hope you enjoy the Group experience! We look forward to getting your feedback on how it’s working for you.
To give you a little more background, we put together a FAQ:
Why should I join a Group?
Joining a Group provides an opportunity to connect directly with other people with common interests, focus on a single topic, and exchange ideas. Group members can engage in real-time discussions to learn from each other, network, and collaborate.
What is the pilot period for Groups functionality in SAP Community?
Starting in October 2021, we will launch the beta version of the Groups functionality, which will be linked to SAP Community. An end date for the beta period has not been set, but we anticipate that SAP can provide full access to Groups functionality in Q1 of 2022.
What can I do in a Group?
Groups provide the ability to discuss ideas, questions, and comments with others. Within a Group, members can engage in public conversations, or set up private conversations with one or more individuals. To foster engagement, Group members may publish content, comment on existing posts, or participate in discussion threads.
Who may join a Group?
Public Groups are open to everyone. Private Groups are specific to a topic or audience, such as partners.
How are Groups managed?
Within each Group, there is an assigned SAP Moderator. The Moderator nurtures users and enforces the
Rules of Engagement. Moderators are responsible for the “feel” of the group, making members feel welcome, safe, and engaged.
What is the sign-in process?
During the beta period, you will need to create your own profile. If you choose not to create a profile in Groups, you can still view all of the content in the group. Creating a new profile will enable you to participate in all the functionality in Groups, such as discussions, comments, and publishing blog posts.
Will I have separate profiles for SAP Community and for Groups?
Yes. During the beta phase, you’ll need to maintain a separate profile but your single sign-on will be used for the Groups.
Can you create a new username when joining a Group?
Yes, however, we encourage Group members to use their real names. For ease of use, you may choose to use your SAP Community username without the period. For example, John.Smith on SAP Community could sign up as JohnSmith in a Group. Alternatively, you may choose a different username for participation in Groups.
Are Group blog posts and conversations public or private?
In general, conversations occurring within the Group may be read by anyone, but only Group members can participate with comments or feedback. One exception is the Private Messenger functionality. For more information on Private Messenger, please visit the
Help page.
How is a Group launched and managed?
Currently, SAP initiates the formation of new Groups, based on SAP Community readership and participation related to specific topics. Groups are managed by SAP Moderators.
May I start my own Group?
No. During the beta period, SAP will identify and launch new Groups.
Why is SAP introducing Groups?
We listen to feedback from SAP Community, which helps us prioritize the addition of new functionality. After hearing requests for a discussion forum, we are adding the Groups functionality to foster the ease and frequency of engagement among community members.