What is it?
This is a new Community Event Format. An abapGit BunKai is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software Version control git by using the opensource client abapGit
This FREE Community-Driven event gives the opportunity to practice git foundations, branching, pull, push request, collaboration with git and best practices by using Version control and related Tools and Frameworks to support Continuous Testing, Continuous Collaboration and related Topics for a whole day. This isn’t a conference! Rules are different, and attendees take actively part in the coding experience: act a lot, listen very little.
The Wikipedia description is quite what matches our idea of this format: "Bunkai (分解), literally meaning "analysis" or "disassembly," is a term used in Japanese martial arts referring to process of analyzing Kata and extracting fighting techniques from the movements of a "form" (kata)." With this format, we will make a "Deep Dive" into different topics. Here we start with the ABAP Git Client abapGit.
Why only ABAP?
abapGit BunKai is a more focused BunKai. We try to focus even more on the specialties of ABAP, to dive even more profound and find out more about how to become fluent in using ABAP and Git. Never done this before? Just try it!
The Set-up of an abapGit BunKai
A BunKai usually takes place in one day. This will be divided into five to six 45 minutest programming sessions, or better said Deep Dives. Between each session, there is a 15 minutes break for a review, a coffee break and a briefing of the next session. In the morning you will familiarize yourselves with the foundation. In the afternoon it will become more demanding: We will work on different topics. Instead of gaining new insights, you will spend the day practicing these concepts.
As a work method, we generally use Pair-Working as the knowledge transfer is an essential part of this exercise. In each session, you will work with a different partner, select a part of the problem to be solved and begin your journey with Version control mechanism git. If you work together with others and have fun on the set tasks, the learning effect will automatically occur!
Who supports ABAP CodeRetreats?
The abapGit Bunkai Format is founded and supported by
Further Information
Beginning in 2019 the format will take place. This means that get in contact with one of the supporter.
Community it´s your turn: Keep moving forward!