Hello fellow SAP Community members!
Have you ever wondered how to keep track of all the latest blog posts published in the SAP Community each day?
To start, here's a simple way to never miss a blog post again. Set up a feed in
Internet Explorer! This is one of the most popular web browsers available, and the one that I use. You'll see full blog posts including images.
Here's how to do this:
- Go to https://blogs.sap.com/feed/
- Click on "Subscribe to this feed"
You're done! To view your feed of the latest SAP Community blogs, simply click on the "star" icon in Internet Explorer to see the list of your feeds.
You can also sort and filter the blogs as you like:
Adjust the
Feed Properties to change how frequently your computer checks the feeds, and how many of the most recent items you want to keep.
BONUS MATERIAL: Only want blog feeds of topics you're interested in?
Easy! Here's how:
- Click on a tag (any tag - SAP Tags or User Tags) - My favourites at the moment include SAP Mentors, SAP TechEd, Careers, Using SAP.com. You can search for more blog tags here.
- Add "feed" to the end of the url
- Follow the steps above to subscribe and view your feeds.
Feeds of your fave bloggers?
- This technique only works for Blog content, not for Questions and Answers
- This technique isn't for everyone, because some may not like like using Internet Explorer, don't like seeing the entire blog (just want the summary), don't like opening another page/browser, or don't want to reduce the view counts of blogs.
I want to thank
oliver for sharing this tip with the SAP Mentors and publicly on Twitter.
There are many ways to
use RSS feeds on WordPress, and our Community team will be coming out with more features and functionality to help you get the content you care about. I just want to start with an easy one with a common tool many already have. Perhaps in my next blog, I can show you how to set up RSS feeds in your MS Outlook.
Does this help? What tips do you have to help other members find interesting content in the SAP Community?