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I want to tell you a little story about me and the community

Six months ago I got involved in in the community

What is a community? A community from SAP? A forum? Here on SCN? Blog? Me?

So I'm trying to dig in the community to try to find the way to my new community

When I was a child I loved to be involved in internet forums

To share my idea, to meet new friends, to manage the forum and once in a year we would meet up

That was when I was sixteen years old

So I asked myself the question, why not become active on SCN? Does it differ that much from what I have been doing when I was sixteen years old?

I decided to give it a shot!

Now, after six months I feel involved in this community. I tell myself it's like when I was sixteen year old. This really does remind me of the past:

  • The forum? Sure I'm here, just ask me a question
  • A blog? Sure I want to share
  • A document? Yes because I want to share my guide
  • Friends? Plenty, I made new virtual friends just like twelve years ago
  • Knowledge? I learn more from being active in the community than from Google
  • A meetup? Yes please I would love to

So from my side the community feels like home

The new SCN

When I first heard about the new SCN I was really excited. Now that I can experience the change I'm even more excited. I can connect with other community members, update my status, visit a lot of places and gain more reputation. It's amazing to be an active contributor.

Like Steve Jobs used to say: "It's very easy to use".

So I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is open the SCN site to check my communication channel, my points and update my status. Do I have to work as well? It can wait because I need to check if any of my friends need help. I want to share my ideas. I really like the new SCN, it reminds me of Facebook.

If I can give you one tip: Become a member of the SAP Community Network!

Hope you like my story

Naor Shalom

P.S thanks to Tom Cenens (Member of the Month) for the advice

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