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Former Member

SCN has already many diamonds in its crown.

But, the experts and mentors of this community are continuously putting their extra efforts to add the new features in the hat of SCN for the growth of this wonderful establishment in the SAP world.

As a community member, I think that it is also my responsibility to share my point of view to add new features for the betterment of SCN. 

Always, many thoughts come to my find. I am trying to share few of them here.

  • As all of you know, there is one option already in SCN such as 'LIKE'  to express the positive feedback about any documents, blogs, comments and wiki(s). ℹ

I think that there can be another option such as 'UNLIKE' to express the negative feedback and there can be negative marking associated with this option.

  • There is another option already in SCN such as 'STAR'    to express the positive feedback about any documents, blogs and wiki(s). ℹ
  • I think that there can be another option such as 'Black Star' to express the negative feedback and there can be negative marking associated with this option.

Now, it is up to the SCN Mentors and Experts to think about the feasibility of the above options. :cool:

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