Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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To join relevant groups, it is important you know exactly what you’re looking for to save time.

Whether you want to stay on top of industry news or talk to others that understand your industry, LinkedIn Groups is where you need to be.


LinkedIn is a hotbed of conversations revolving around your industry, your brand, and the topics that your audience finds interesting. With LinkedIn Groups, you can go through and find people in that group you aren’t connected with that have similar interests. This is a very productive way to find leads, especially if you choose groups where your target market or audience regularly visit.

The best practices for joining LinkedIn Groups are as follows;

  1. Try joining as many groups as you can; you can join up to 50 groups. By joining a lot of groups, you’d be able to expand the number of search results when you use LinkedIn Search or LinkedIn Sales Navigator Lead Builder.  We would recommend that you actively participate in about 5 groups. This strategy allows you to gain actionable insights through monitoring group discussions without being too overwhelming.

  2. Read discussion topics to understand what your customers are interested in. If you see buying signals in the discussion, contact them promptly with insights that let your customers know you’ve been listening and you’re there to help!

  3. Participating in the conversation is a really rich part of the LinkedIn Groups experience. Contribute to group discussions with insights that you gained through Social Listening over time to become recognized as a thought leader.


Tell us how you've successfully listened through social in the comments below!

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