Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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Every day, the SAP Community Network (SCN) changes the way that thousands of SAP customers, IT professionals, and end-users work. SCN lets members of the SAP community help one another solve problems, learn, and invent new ways to get things done — faster. SCN drives change and innovation for SAP customers, partners, influencers, and the software industry.

Because we’re listening – through online discussions, twice-annual surveys, Idea Place posts, in-person meetings, and more – we know that you and other SCN members have wanted more functionality from the SAP online community — cleaner navigation and better organized content, customized information based on your individual personal preferences, and simpler tools that make SCN accessible to more people – to name just a few.

YOU are the reason why we are making a change to the SCN platform, and making you “run better” is why the team has spent the last year planning and executing a revamped, modernized SCN.

SAP’s pioneering online community just got better.

Today, we are proud to introduce the new SAP Community Network. 

Our improvements will add another dimension to SAP’s vibrant online community. You will find that the SAP Community Network (SCN) expands beyond a place to solve problems into a powerful source of all the information and all the expert connections you need to be
successful in the world of SAP. 

Interacting with the global community network will help you find more of what you need: relevant, high-quality content that aligns with your product and industry, opinions from trusted thought leaders, and trending topics in the SAP community.

What you imagined is now a reality.

The new site delivers functionality that will make consuming, contributing, searching, and engaging even easier – and I want to highlight a few capabilities with you:


* Web page content, blogs, and discussions are now aligned and organized by product, topic, and industry -- they are better organized and easier to navigate

* Consistent metadata is applied – so searches and common terminology will be more fruitful and clearer

* Navigation, search, and browse are streamlined – for more efficient finding and consuming of exactly what you’re interested in


* Relevant information and updates on matters of interest are delivered in your activity stream – based on your stated and implicit interests

* Ability to find content and follow the author – so you can track topics and people who grab your interest

* Intelligent engine delivers content related to what you are viewing – so you are alerted to adjacent topic areas and information

* Find and track experts – their activity, content, friends, and places -- to leverage their networks so you can build-up your own connections


* Quality content will be most prominent, based on wisdom-of-the-crowd ratings and reviews 

* Top-viewed, top-rated, and most-liked content is featured -- with the expectation that what’s most valued by others will be valuable to you

* View what’s trending and popular -- so you keep-up with the latest and greatest items and themes as they emerge and gain traction ... including the most-followed content, people, and places – so you get the best on all three dimensions

While the SCN platform modernizes, the core value of SCN remains.

SCN members already agree that connecting with other SAP customers, partners, employees, and experts helps them stay ahead of the curve, save time, and learn more about their solutions. It helps them perform better in their roles, reach higher in their professions, and connect deeper with other experts in more fulfilling ways.

Check out what just one of our amazing SCN members has to say:

SCN is cool because it makes a difference… We now have an extensive online source of tips, tricks, problems, and solutions that we can draw on … we can reach out and connect with the brightest and best people in the SAP ecosystem no matter where they are … it gives us a centralized place to put forward our ideas and opinions, to start and contribute to discussions, and to engage with our peers.”

Graham Robinson | Yelcho Systems Consulting

This has been at the heart of what we’ve aimed for since the inception of SCN more than eight years ago, and it continues to be our most prized outcome.  Rich content, innovative solutions, personal connections, professional advancement, business benefits, lasting relationships, individual enrichment, collective gain, extraordinary value.

We’ve taken a community that was already working extremely well, and we made it even better.

Experience the new SCN.

There is a reason that the SAP Community Network (SCN) has become one of the most respected online business-to-customer communities in the world. SCN can deepen your connections with your peers, and now it’s easier than ever to engage with the worldwide community of SAP users.

We are proud to serve more than one million visitors each month from around the world, with rich peer contributions of ideas, insights, and solutions, and with increasing activity and engagement every day.

We hope that the changes we have made will make it even more rewarding for you to be a part of the SAP community.  Yet, this is not the end; it’s a new beginning, with much more to come in the journey ahead.

Please take a look at this brief video welcome message from me; and then: let's go!

Welcome!  Please join us!

Mark Yolton