Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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One of the definitions of ignite, from www.dictionary.com, is to stimulate or provoke. And the purpose of this project is to stimulate people to engage as members of the SAP Community Network.  We want both new members and existing members to connect with each other by sharing quality information, providing honest and fair feedback, and participating in missions that will improve the community content, participation and relationships.

You may remember in my recent blog, "Emails, Pop ups, and Clickthroughs, Oh my!", I talked about project "Get Back" and the notifications that active members were receiving to update community records and establish new terms of use compliance.

Because of the complexity of the project, the tie-in with gamification for improved engagement, and the dependency on community and technology gail.moody-byrd and I decided to assess the approach, team and timing. Effective immediately, gali.klingschneiderwill be the project manager, and project "Get Back" will be known as project "Ignite". My thanks to Gail for helping to define the original project, connecting the appropriate team members and uncovering key data points that will help us drive this effort forward.

Sponsored by Chip Rodgers and Matt Johnson, and owned by me, this project kicks off later this month with these objectives:

  • Increase community engagement - measured by comments, replies/messages, likes and ratings
  • Expand community membership - measured by new members and (more importantly) members with > 0 points
  • Provide reliable, accurate data and improved reporting for community metrics - cleaned up and validated across multiple reporting mechanisms


Gali, as the project manager, is working on a project charter that includes these key deliverables to support the objectives:

  • Increased community engagement:
    • Enhanced UX / UI and "About SCN"   
    • Gamification (aligned project)
    • Events
  • Expand community membership:
    • Improved registration process
    • Improvied login experience, including auto login, social sign on and "remember me"
    • Communication and encouragement through other websites and newsletters
    • Member and non-member outreach (mailings)
    • Referral program / functionality ...
  • Provide reliable, accurate data and improved reporting:
    • Relevant reports and dashboards (aligned project)
    • Account merge

Gali will begin regular blog updates on the project beginning April 24, to let you know what is being delivered by when, and how you can participate in the project as key stakeholders.