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I've seen several complaints that the new view of the forum is bad because it's not possible to see a bunch of threads at once. Some people seem to be writing off the new discussion forums entirely because of this, while never making it far enough to see the great new editing and discussion tools. Since a view very similar to the old forum view is possible on the new SCN, I thought I'd give a quick how-to!

The default

This is how the forum view looks by default. Indeed, not much information density compared to the old forums.

The secret move

Fortunately, we can do something about this! Click on the lines in the upper-right corner of the forum view.

The reveal

Now we have a view in a tabular format that is much more readable.


There is lots more that you can do in this view as well, like filtering to only unanswered questions, filtering by tag/text, and sorting in various ways. No, it's not perfect, but it's pretty good!

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