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Sometimes it is difficult to describe a question in very concise statements, because the situation is too complex.
You may try to deliver the information as much as possible, including the background, the impact to the business, user's expectation, your analysis and guess, the strange behavior you seen, maybe also the normal behavior as comparison. But the frustrating thing is that those information seems not well delivered, you have to clarify more points to avoid misunderstanding.

So how you can describe the question better to enable SAP support to understand it exactly?

The most simple thing you can do is to split your description into several sections. Each section is for different topics such as business impact, our finding, our expectation etc. This way the SAP support can find necessary information directly. As a result,  misunderstanding and a waste of time will be effectively reduced.

Also, I would suggest you to use system terms as much as possible. For example, use 'Goods Issue' instead of 'hand over the goods', use ''text material" instead of 'material without master data'.

Another hint might be helpful is to provide 'WHAT-WHICH-HOW': What function/transaction/data you are using, Which field/value is not as expected, How you did the steps. If these three parts are clear, it will be a great help for understanding the symptom.

If it is not easy to write these information for you, you may want to attach a file about the step-by-step screenshot. This can also provide details clearly and enable the SAP support to get a clear picture of your question.

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