Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

At the beginning of 2011, I conducted sessions with new colleagues joining our SAP office in Vancouver that introduced them to SCN and how they can create an online brand for themselves. I soon realized that the exercise of creating an online brand was a bit superficial, and that creating a presence alone didn’t give individuals (or organizations) and those in their networks enough value. My opinion is that beyond building an online brand for ourselves, we are really seeking to build our online reputation, because we can derive more value from this.

Distinguishing between online brand and online reputation is important here. Thanks to those who participated in my Networking Lounge Session at SAP TechEd Madrid in November, I am concluding that our online brand is what others recognize us for, whereas our online reputation is how others will judge us by. Therefore, creating and improving your online brand becomes an exercise of public relations, typically involving the selection of the most popular and relevant social media tools to use and online communities to join (see my own examples below).

Building your online reputation takes a bit more work, because it requires the right sequence of engagement and actions to demonstrate that you are ‘for real,’ and that you can be trusted with those you engage. The fact that you are doing this in an online setting makes it easier to do in some ways, and more difficult in others.

I can’t wait to share this video with you about some of the ways in the “New SCN” to build and improve your reputation, while also increasing your presence.

The following points are our humble recommendations:

  1. Create a presence
  2. Build your network
  3. Engage the community
  4. Share your expertise
  5. Show your community spirit
  6. [New!] Complete a mission and have fun!

(Check out the new and improved reputation program to see how we've made it easier to build your thought leadership!)

Feel free to re-order and add your own practices as well. It is important to engage with others, keep a positive attitude, and do it your own way.

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” –Confucius

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