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In SAP Community Network we deliver social innovation, provide a platform for collaboration and the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. One of the ways in which we deliver these objectives is by maintaining SAP Community Network Improvements category on Idea Place. SAP Community Network Improvements on Idea Place is a public channel to suggest improvements, innovate and make our Community Run Better. This is the place to submit your thoughts and make a difference.

We highly encourage people to be a part of the SCN innovation process, where SCN professional teams invest thought, effort, and willingness to implement the best ideas. When these factors come together we are able to produce the best results.

As a part of the SCN Collaboration Team and an avid community member I encounter great ideas through Idea Place, which contributes to SCN. One of the many appreciated ideas is an idea submitted by Mark Finnern on "Subscribe to blog topic without commenting ...". This suggestion took concrete shape after the migration to the new platform. Currently members are able to be notified on blogs, discussions and other content without being actually involved (without commenting). A member may choose to track information which routes all activity into personal Communications page by clicking on Track in Communications. This idea received a nice number of votes; which means other people liked the idea and maybe thought of it too.

Another idea that was implemented was an idea posted by harsh.saxena2 proposing to add screenshots and images to discussion threads. I'm sure that this feature is highly appreciated amongst users who prefer to insert a visual image to their question/answer. Users can insert images by clicking the camera button in the editing pane when starting a discussion.

Additional ideas implemented in SCN can be found in the SCN Community Network Improvements Page under idea status "Delivered". There are much more ideas which are in their initial "Submitted" stage and I would like to encourage you to vote, comment and share your own thoughts.

Seeing great ideas delivered makes me proud to be a member of SAP Community Network.

Let's build the future together!