Are You Ready for the NEW SCN? Expand Your Profile to Get Ready!
We know you are as excited as we are to dive into the NEW SAP Community Network. Your experience on the new site will be awesomely different. Read what other members have to say:
My experience in just one word: wonderful, and I hope it will be more than wonderful with the new features you'll be adding to the site – Erika Atencio, SCN Member, after previewing site.
Particularly the quality content based rating by the community is a big step forward. I like it and it will encourage folks to rate more and read rated content 😉 –Julius von dem Bussche, SCN Member
Expand your profile to take full advantage of the functionality to connect with and follow other members. All of your profile information will be migrated to the new profile on SCN – make sure it’s complete and describes your interest and skills.
First, login. Mouse over top nav item “My Profile”, to dropdown item “Update Profile/Business Card”
Here are the two areas you should update:
1. Account Information (2 new required fields)
“Your Account” Tab
Company Name
Company City
2. Business Card (to provide more background to allow others to find and follow you)
“Personal Data” tab
Personal URL
Professional Blog URL
Instant Messaging (Twitter Handle)
“Skills Profile” tab
Short Bio
Areas of Expertise
To become more familiar with the NEW SCN, go to:
Behind the Scenes of the SAP Community Network, by Mark Yolton
Behind the Scenes of the new SAP Community Network!
Tip in a Minute Video Series