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Yesterday the first meeting of the SAP Network Group Hamburg, Germany took place. The aim of the group is to establish an exchange of experiences about  SAP technology, trends, projects, customers and companies in the  metropolis region of Hamburg, Germany.

10 consultants and SAP customers came to the meeting, which took place on the Alstership Galatea. We had a really good time...

It all stared when René Eberstein founded the group in 2008 as a XING group. Right now we are four moderators (René Eberstein, Thomas Klimmek, Dirk Martin and peter.langner2/blog) and we are having 348 group menbers. Every meeting is different from the other. Sometimes we are having a special topic somebody is presenting. Other meetings we are just getting to know each other.

I love this meetings, because everytime different people are attending it. And everytime I get to know something interesting about SAP technology or ongoing SAP projects in my region.

Have you ever thought of starting such a group in your town? If not, now is the time to do it! Via Social Networks like XING or LinkedIn you can easly find people in your neigbourhood which are also in the SAP business. Contact them and invite them to a pub, your office or any other suitable place.