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Most of you (ALL of you???) will be pleased to know that the little challenge called the 'Epic Birthday Smackdown' has ended.

We started this little snarkfest as a way of getting people involved and aware, and helping to raise funds for Doctors Without Borders.

Were we as successful as the #icebucketchallenge?  No, sadly not.  But still, all in all, we raised money for MSF, and I call that a WIN.

Now to set the record straight, greg.myers3 agreed to join me in this endeavor, because we share the same birthday.  The challenge was announced here. 

It soon took off on Twitter too, with the mysterious appearance of @scn_ebs - a Twitter user who also joined in the fun.

Even Greg's dog got in on the action by making a donation:

There was also some discussion about what the original 'bet' was - and to that end, a survey was published.  There were a total of 11 responses so you can see how socially powerful this challenge was.


And of course, I blogged about it.  Then somehow we hijacked steffi.warnecke's status update too.  (Sorry, Steffi!)

So the results are clear... We raised over $1000 for Doctors Without Borders in this special campaign.  And Greg is NOT a welcher (apologies to all the Welsh readers, I meant no offense).  As a matter of fact, I have nothing but respect, admiration, and affection for Greg.  He was in the middle of a go-live through the end of this campaign, and he still held up well under my witty onslaughts.

The bet?  As I was reminded today (and so very sorry, oswaldxxl, sappress_kg and others) the original bet was to be settled privately between me and Greg.  There will be no Glamour Shots, which is very sad, especially since Greg is such an avid runner, I thought we might make have him 'prancercize' too.  But my word is my word.

This is what I had in mind for Greg's Glamour Shot (just sayin').

The SCN Community Missions to raise awareness for Doctors Without Borders go on - and if you don't already know about it, by all means, stop by and read marilyn.pratt's blog announcing the missions.  And, if you should feel so inclined, join in the #sapcc and challenge your friends and family to support you in raising funds for MSF.

Thank you all for your support, for joining in the fun, and for being super patient and tolerant (GREG).  It was great fun!

Once more, with feeling:


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