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This blog is based on the Ideas the members of the Community posted in the Re: Suggestions for forum improvements (come and see, comment or suggest) and some comments that appeared there complaining about Idea place instead of accepting the challenge.

Warning: This blog covers ideas and suggestions from like 0.001% of the Community members. It is very likely you don´t agree with some of the points mentioned in this blog. In that case post your comment or vote on Idea Place or here to tell us what you think.

You can read the thread and the "important part" or... let me briefly introduce the situation:

Mylène Dorias: The only feedback (from SAP/SCN teams) we had is that one wants us to repeat all (suggestions for improvements, complaints, bugs) we collected here singularly in the IDEA-place. As for me: Not. Gonna. Happen. Did the work once.

Tobias Hofmann: Do you think we are not busy and have spare time left to do work twice? The ideas are already in SCN, someone needs to transform them to Idea place.

Harald Boeing:... yet there's no (generated) overview page summarizing the ideas along with number of votes and comments...

I think this suggestions thread is extremely valuable. This thread exists for a long time, many valuable inputs appeared there and many people I respect added their opinions or at least follow the thread. I think very highly about the three mentioned persons above and understand their points. And because I think both sides have their points and we could discuss the "process" like forever, I write this blog to move things one step forward and help connecting people and Ideas and hopefully bring the topic a little closer to the SAP officials who could give a hand here and make some of the things happen.

Because of these reasons I am reading the thread back and forth, trying not to miss any idea/ suggestion, and will create a list of the Ideas and their authors for you to help you vote.

  • Kishan P. (Apr 16): Mark thread un-answered on IP as Mark a question as closed - but not answered
  • Harald Boeing (Apr 17): Make people to search, prevent from answering same questions again and again. I didn´t find any suitable Idea on IP, so I create my own idea and mention the original author and source there: Prevent from answering same questions again
  • Harald Boeing (Apr 20): I created an Idea on IP on behalf of Harald: Artificial monetary system based on points which asks for some extra rights for people with points.
  • Mylène Dorias (Apr 20): A wish for a black list (an ignore list) was reminded, but no Idea place Idea was created. So I create one: Black list (ignoring users on the list)
  • Mazin Mahmood (Apr 20): complains about a filter that rejects some of the posts because of the forbidden phrases/ words. I am not sure if the idea behind the following Idea is the right one, but there is an Idea called: Remove filters on certain fora - Comments & Suggestions and Coffee Corner
  • Chris Paine (Apr 21): reminds of the idea to be able to "understand" who the SCN user is. If he/she asks a lot, answers a lot, is a lurker or a contributor, is often seen in discussion with some concrete people. I didn´t find a suitable Idea and even if I am not 100% sure it does not exist, I created a new one. In case it is a double post, forgive me. Check "Who" is the person
  • Harald Boeing (Apr 21) reminds of the importance of SAP engagement in everything we do here, in the improvement process etc. And also the role of SAP/SCN designers in marketing Community activities, news, events and other things like Idea place and its Ideas on daily basis. I created an Idea for the suggestion myself because didn´t find a suitable existing one: Market Community "things" (Ideas, Polls etc.) more
  • Chris Paine (Apr 22) would like to be able to recognize a level of contributions one provides. I didn´t find a suitable Idea, so I created a new one: Lurker´s hat and more.

Let me cut the effort here for now. I spend few hours writing these few lines (and searching for and creating the Ideas). I am also not sure if the readers will like the activity of this kind and so let me publish this blog before I will continue the effort with other Ideas which one can read in the mentioned thread full of treasury.

Let me know what you think, vote on the Ideas, comment, provide feedback.

Best regards Otto

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