If you have recently joined our Welcome Corner, you may have joined via the Tour the SAP Community 2022 tutorial. Did you know that you can also join any other publicly available Group?
For example, we have a Group dedicated to SAP TechEd that you might be interested to join/subscribe to. Simply click on "Groups" in the top navigation and choose "SAP TechEd" or any other Group that you might be interested to join. If you want to know more about SAP TechEd 2022, then this Group is the right place for you. We will be sharing lots of event information, videos, discussions around the various tracks and much more.
Come on over and view the SAP TechEd Group today, and don't forget to click on "Join Group" if you want to receive updates/notifications.
Always remember ... you can feel free to "Start a Discussion" of your own in any Group as well.
We look forward to hearing from you!