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Perhaps you are thinking: good grief, woman, it's still SCN, and it hasn't changed in quite a while. We've all (or most of us, anyway) adjusted to the seemingly weekly changes to Facebook, so what's the big deal?

For starters, my personal experience with the Jive platform has not quite been a bed of roses. When I changed employers, suddenly there was the "old" Gretchen Lindquist, that owned and controlled all of the content on that site prior to my new job, and the "new" Gretchen Lindquist, that had no control over any of it. It took months to get the two accounts merged. The same thing was true on my Collaboration Workspace accounts, which are hosted on SCN but utilized by ASUG Influence Councils. In fact, for several months I was told that the accounts could not be merged, but lo and behold, eventually they were.

I am also one of the people who had problems with the LinkedIn application that connected to SCN. No one on either side of that problem was ever able to figure out the root cause of the problem, and I finally had to disconnect the accounts, which was very disappointing while I was in job search.

I also have two SAP Streamworks accounts: one that was created while I was between jobs, using my personal email account, and one that was created with my email address with my new employer. Maybe it is too late for this plea, but could we please get away with these hard links to email accounts? People change jobs quite a bit these days, and it is quite tiresome to have to remember which account was "invited" to which activities.

I also have two Google accounts, one tied to my gmail account, and one to another email account. I have to stop and think each time, now which one is it that has my YouTube channel and my Google+ and access to the right Google calendar.

Thank goodness I have only one Twitter and one Facebook account. Now we are going to have another activity stream to monitor and update. I have mostly kept my Twitter stream for SAP activities and my Facebook statuses for close friends and family. So do I have to post everything in my SCN Activity *and* in Twitter? Or will they be linked? Then what happens if I happen to have another change of employment?

What about all the people whose employers block social media sites? Where I used to work we could not get the Pathable social media service that was used for connecting attendees of SAP TechEd. I suspect that there are already SCN members who cannot connect from computers on their employer's network, and those numbers could increase as SCN becomes even more social.

Howver, I would be remiss if I did not add that I did see some exciting new features of the new SCN. Blog editing appears to be improved, especially if you are adding photos or other media. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that, after the initial shock of newness settles down, I will be happy with the new SCN after all. The jury is still out.

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