Winter is coming, and Covid-19 is still here. Unprecedented challenges kept us physically disconnected, but interaction and communication are more important now than ever before.
We, as human beings, are social individuals, which makes communication essential for our survival. There are different reasons why we communicate; it is not only important, but it is vital for a human being. Indeed one of the main reasons why we communicate is for survival.
While self-isolating, it may be easy to just turn on the TV or scroll social media. However, making an effort to connect with others and learning new skills, and sharing knowledge will make you feel better and may help other SAP Community members feel better.
We can choose how we respond in this difficult time, but a lot of published research shows that community engagement can play an important role in this respect.
In this virtual tour;
From a human psychology perspective: I will be introducing,
-What is social disconnectedness?
-How does social connectedness impact our health?
-Ways to Build Connectedness Virtually
From an SAP Community member perspective:
-How SAP Community is rallying to the crisis with the ways of communication with engaging with other members.
-The ways of participating in SAP Community virtual events.
Looking forward to connecting at
Oct 20 2020 05:00 PM (GMT +2)
Here is the
registration link.
Let’s get through this together!