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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Most of the regular users (I assume) will be looking for a quick reference guide as to what’s different between SCN and the new SCN (aka 1DX). In a similar approach to understanding Tags, I’ve tried to put together a summary and links to the various announcements. Again, I thought this might be an easy central place to validate our understandings. As well as this, I can imagine post-go live having these types of questions asked and perhaps a good input to FAQ

Document is open for anyone to add comments/edit

16/May – My Profile, Questions & Answers and a touched on a bit of Documents/Archive

16-May: Narrowed tables to fit into the old site style. /jim



My Profile/Account Overview

1dX URL: http://people.sap.com




What is my User Id?

You currently login with your S Number, P number or email

Same logon as SCN (authenticated against accounts.sap.com)

Where can I see account age/member since?

Via profile (privacy settings can hide from other users)

Overview of account page under your name

Where can I see my SCN Id?

Via your profile > Bio > expand out details near your name

manage Username and User Id will appear

Where can I see last logged on date?

Via profile (privacy settings can hide from other users)

Unable to see – confirm with 1DX team

Where can I change my password?

Via your profile > Bio > Actions > Change password

manage > Password > Edit

Can I change my email?

Redirects to https://accounts.sap.com/ui/protected/profilemanagement

No change

What is the URL for my account?

  1. Scn.sap.com/people/<user id>

https://people.sap.com/ or https://people.sap.com/<userId>

Where do I see my content (blogs, documents, questions)

Your account > Content Tab and filter for type

https://people.sap.com/ under My content

Where can I set my privacy settings?

Under your account > Edit Profile & Privacy

Unable to see – confirm with 1DX team

What privacy options do I have?

Email, Contact Details, Location, Relationship to SAP, Short Bio can all be set to Everyone or Private (yourself only)

Unable to see – confirm with 1DX team

Do I have the option to create a Bio/About Me

YES – where you edit your own account

Yes – under your account

What is the minimum information I must maintain against my account?

First name, Surname and Email

Remains unchanged

How long can my Bio be?

Unknown (more than 3500 characters)

Up to 200 characters

What pictures can I upload?

You currently have an Avatar and 3 photos

One Photo only which acts as the avatar as well

SCN Gamification

Your profile currently shows the Current Points (lifetime); Current Status; and Badges

Refer blog on Gamification Changes

Area of Expertise

You set this in free text against your profile. Gamification in place until 31 May 2016

Points and Badges will be ‘archived’ as part of IDX and a new gamification model will be implemented. SCN status will appear in karma value/snapshot. Refer to Gamification Changes

Can I specify my languages against my profile for communication?


Yes (multiple entries allowed)

Can I add external accounts/links about Me (e.g. personal blog, twitter, LinkedIn)?

Not really, more under general information or additional information

Yes, under your profile > Elsewhere information. Multiple accounts can be added and will show as a hyperlink

Where can I manage my newsletter subscriptions

Your profile > Actions > Change newsletter subscriptions

manage > Manage your newsletters – redirects you to https://www.sap.com/profile/subscriptions.html

more subscriptions available in central place

Communication with SAP (how can SAP contact you)

manage > Communication Settings. Set whether or not SAP can communicate with you via email and/or phone

Can I download vCard?

Yes via your profile > Bio > Actions > Download vCard

Unable to see – confirm with 1DX team

Can I set status update?


No – no personal status updates and ability for people to respond exists in 1DX.


My Bookmarks

Your account /bookmarks - shows blogs, documents, discussions, polls and status updates

View my connections

Your account /connection – able to filter on who you Follow versus Who Follows you. Summary of connections displayed against your profile overview

Unable to see – confirm with 1DX team where this will appear as it has been discussed previously

View my content

Your account /content

https://people.sap.com > My Content. To the left side is a summary to expand Content numbers out

View my Activity Stream

Your account > Activity

Questions and Answers

1DX URL:  answers.sap.com




Can I raise a Discussion?

Yes under a space

Only for coffee Corner – discussions are not longer available in 1DX

How do I create a Question?

Navigate to a space and/or Raise a Discussion and mark it as a question. Assign it to specific space. Do not raise multiple questions for different spaces. Use tags to achieve cross posting

How do I mark correct and helpful answers

Option box against each response

Choose Accept as the correct answer – it will show as ‘Best Answer’

How many correct and helpful answers are allowed?

1 correct answer

Up to 10? Helpful answer

Unsure if helpful answers exist anymore

Where do I create a Question

You must create question within a specific space. Tag would then be used for cross-posting

Create the question and select primary TAG as the replacement for a space.

Unlimited secondary tags can be added for cross-posting

How can I sort the answer thread

No option

Sort by Votes, Newest and Oldest

Can other members like/dislike answers?

Like Only

Users will have the ability to upvote and downvote an answer for an answer directly against the question

User will have the ability to Like any answers embedded in a reply.

Can you like or upvote your own answer?

No (option is deactivated)

No (message will appear)

Is there an alert moderator for the question?



Is there an Alert Moderator for the answer?



Is there a minimum length required for a response

10 characters (message is shown)

What is the visibility of my response?

Everyone, including guests

Everyone, including guests unless you are a moderator

Can I edit my post

Only if no-one has replied to it already

Who is notified I make a change

Everyone who is following the question

Everyone if you choose tick box – Notify Followers

Can I see revisions of the edit?


Yes – Actions > See Revisions

Edit is available even if a person has put a comment against it (to confirm if this is due to Moderator rights)

What is the limit to a reply?

Not specified

Comments under an answer – 10 to 600 characters in length

No limit (it appears) to answer a question – can also include pictures and links

Can I delete a post?

Only Moderator can

Yes – only marks as deleted. Does not actually delete. Delegation flag can be removed to reinstate confirm if this is related to moderation access as well

Can I follow/unfollow the question



Does my question auto save


Yes – this occurs as you type

What is the length of a question title?

Unsure but if too long it made it difficult to open the link

255 character limit – error message appears that you must correct it “The form below has errors. Correct fields in red and try again”

What is the limit to length of question contents?


There does not appear to be one of it’s quite long

Where can I see Activity stream for Questions?

Appears in All Activity stream

https://answers.sap.com/questions/index.html for all questions regardless of primary tags


1DX URL: Archive.sap.com (not the only item)




Can I create a document?

Yes under the specific space

No – documents will no longer be support

Where can I see documents created in SCN?

SCN relevant space or against author’s content

    1. Archive.sap.com
Find migrated blogs


where XXXX is the Document number

same document number from SCN
