Ok. I haven't written many blogs. But I'm going to try to do more. And yes. I'm going to include a bunch of stuff that might not even be SAP related at times.
So in my personal time, many know I'm involved in running a K9 search and rescue team. Of course I'm also very involved in the training of our teams dogs and working with the handlers. And I'm currently training my new dog. I retired my first SAR dog about two years ago.
A vid we just put out made me think about all the many SAP jobs out there. From entry programmer, to experienced analyst, to all the IT specialists. Having been in SAP for quite awhile I often, almost daily, (LOL), think "OMG.. what was that person thinking? I can't believe they didn't (or did) do xyz". Or "Why the heck aren't they listening to what I'm saying?
I mean like anyone can do that!
And then we had training Sunday morning. And it reminded me that we haven't all learned everything. We haven't all been shown everything. And for everything we think a person has to know and do, it's probably only a fraction of what they actually know or are responsible for.
So how does that relate to our vid? Do you know how many people, when they learn I do K9 SAR, tell me "Oh, my dog is really smart, he/she could find people with no problem!". Sometimes I want to strangle people like that!
And then I realized how many times I've thought
- "Oh.. I can run a project, not a problem! What is that idiot thinking?"
- "I spec'd the whole program out for them. I practically wrote the code for them! What's the delay?"
- "Why aren't they just doing what I suggested!?"
All to often we think we know someone's job. But really, how can we if no one's shown us or taught us what the job really takes. Or unless we have actually done the job they've done. And even then, jobs and responsibilities change. 20 years ago in IT quality control pretty much meant if it compiled it's good to go! Now we have multiple reviews, flow charts, swim lane diagrams, design docs and who knows what else before the first bit of code is even written.
Just like in this vid:
People don't really understand all the things a search dog really has to do to be sucessful. How much time must be spent on training and learning their job. People see the big picture. Finding a person in the woods. They get the dog close enough and the dog smells the person. What's the big deal? My dog can do that.
Then they try it. My dog can't chase a squirrel? It can't go after a bird? It can't run down to the creek and go for a dip? It can't stop and roll around in what ever THAT is? It can't chase deer? I have to be able to work at night when I can't even see my dog?
And in this video? What would your pet dog do if they smelled this nearby? Would they forget about finding that person? Would they go have a fresh, (yes this one is fresh), venison treat? What if the missing person was only 20 feet away? Would they ignore this and find them and then come back to you and tell you? 99.9% of the time? Rain? Sleet? Heat? Snow?
So if you watch this video, think carefully as to what your dog would do by themselves, at night, if they came across this? And if they would still find that missing subject if they were 20 feet away? Or the one they ignored 100 yards away because they smelled this.
And then remember...we have to train them off of deceased, and live, rabbit, squirrel, fox, opossum, birds, chipmunks, cats, porcupine, snakes, and virtually every other thing that moves, lives, breaths and dies in the wild.

So when you get frustrated by the person and you think "just do your freaking job", remember those pet owners and our search dogs.
You probably really don't know everything they have to do.
And try and have tolerance for all those people who think they know exactly what you do in your job.