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Former Member
Former Member
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This is very nice initiative...I see it(BPX)will be in line with current phase of architecture and Business requirements needs.

Former Member
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Thanks for your comment, Raj.  We're getting very good response from the analysts and from the community.  I spent last week at Sapphire in Orlando, and it seemed like everyone I met agreed that we're on the right track.  And in just three days of "sneak preview," nearly 1600 people signed up to become members of this new BPX community.  If you haven't done so, yet, you can join the community simply by updating your SDN profile to also click the "Business Process Expert Community" box in addition to your SDN box.  Thanks for commenting.
Former Member
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Our business stream, as part of a SAP HCM implementation Company, have been involved with business process redesign since early 2004.  However, we only realised the real value of our service offering when we started mapping the business processes in accordance with a HC Architecture Framework.

We found that HC Departments struggle with the concept of delivering a total integrated service to Line and do not always know how to convert the Company's Strategy into the People Value chain (HC Strategy) and a Service Delivery Model.  But an Enterprise Architecture approach towards the mapping / redesign of business processes, governed by legislation like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, King II Report, etc ensures that all the business layers are aligned, deliver towards customer satisfaction and drive the value down to the customers (as all the building blocks in the Enterprise are now aligned with each other)! 

Once you have achieved this and experience the customer satisfaction and real value your deliverables add to the client's operations - then you can classify yourself as a member of the BPX Cult!

If you belong to the BPX community, you will definately be in a position to add value.  Just make sure you stay on the cutting edge of knowledge in this regard.

Kind regards

Chopper Theart
Former Member
0 Kudos
Thank you, Chopper, for your comments. 

I notice from you business card that you have an interesting background and many years of relevant and associated experience. 

Would you be interested in authoring a more in-depth article on your experiences and observations?  If so, reply to me and/or see the "submit content" button at the top of the page.  We'd benefit from your insight and would like to share it with the BPX community.


Mark Y.
Former Member
0 Kudos
I am quite happy with the "creation" of this role and can already see many varieties "specialty areas" in the future. I do even believe that all consultants (at least those active with the implementation of functionality present in different (SAP or non-SAP) applications should understand the approach of the BPX. Especially now that Enterprise SOA will gain importance. This concept requires a top-down approach on proces implementation rather than the traditional silo implementation .
Best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
I will do so.  I just need to create some time for that.

Kind regards

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Yes, blogging does require a certain type of energy (with its corresponding reward and visability :-)).  Another great way of participating in this BPX community is of course conversing in the forums.  Since you mention a HCM focus, you may be interested in following this conversation: Business Process and HCM / HR modules.  Perhaps you are even inclined to giving that participant some feedback.  I'm sure your comments on that thread would be very welcome.
0 Kudos
I appreciate this initiative at creating BPX community... it fact there is a storg need and trend towards that. Based on my personal experience so far, I have come experience that we as SAP Consultants need to more and more business process oriented.

I wish success to this effort.

Thanks and regards

Sumeet Sharma

SAP-SEM Consultant
Tata Consultancy Services,
The Netherlands
Former Member
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I would like to say that the role of BPX could be an orchestra conductor and an Enterprise Architect who could show the vision of the enterprise and figure out the gaps between the best players and his/her enterprise. From the eagle's view point, he/she could easily find out the area needed to be tuned.

David Y. Kim
Senior Managing Consultant
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I have learnt from a theoretical perspective about business process re-engineering/redesign/improvement as part of my MBA programme.
I also did my dissertation on same topic.
I would like to know the best route to practising what I have learnt.
Do I need to get certified?
Is there a particular vendor that provides this type of certification. I personally favor SAP.

Your response is appreciated.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Generally I agree with Yves Torbeyns (2006-05-24 04:25:26).
However, we have to define the boundaries of the various roles in the SAP world, in a more strict manner.
A certification process supervised by SAP AG is necessary now more than ever to protect the reputation of SAP. More and more professionals enter the SAP community by changing their CV title to SAP Appication Consultant or SAP Business Architect or SAP... and now SAP BPX.
I consider myself a BPX. I can talk to the business managers, then push the developpers and finally watch my newborn process/procedure go-live and add business value or improve KPIs.
How can I certify the quality of my work against those who "play" BPX? And I am a freelencer.

Best Regards
Former Member
0 Kudos
Good point. We from the BPX team are currently working with SAP Education on a BPX curriculum to make sure that an "SAP certified BPX" is really what it means.
We are going to share in the next couple of weeks a curriculum where we ask the community to provide feedback and suitability.

I will write the blog about the BPX curriculum, so check it out.
