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Okay, okay, I yield! ^^

Getting me to participate in the Blog It Forward Community Challenge was a group effort by thomas.zloch, lukas.weigelt and jelena.perfiljeva, who made it official, when she joined their forces and included me in her great own BIF-entry. So you have them to thank for this. Or "thank", you'll be the judge of that. :grin:

Well, here goes nothing...


My name is Steffi Warnecke and though my name looks pretty simple to me, people still find ways to write it wrong. Especially "Steffie" is big, which strangely bugs me a lot more than the several spellings of my surname. ^^

I live in Germany, more precisely near Frankfurt/Main, where I work for a big, national company, that has several branches all over Germany. I'm part of the SAP team (d'oh) there and am responsible for the portals, the IdM, (the non-SAP) wiki and a third-party module for contract administration, that is integrated in SAP. Additionally I do trainings for new employees to show them the basics in the SAP-environment. I'm also the one that orders the office supplies for our department. :grin:

So I am one of those allrounders and loving it! Since I'm interested in so many things (and every day find more), this is perfect for me. It keeps me learning and challenges me. I wouldn't want it any other way, even though this means, I'll never have the in-depth-knowledge, the specialists accumulate.

Fun Facts

Let's see... I can sit in front of my huuuge LCD TV for hours (and hours) watching DVDs (which I collect) or playing a videogame. On the other hand I spend my last vacation hiking through the beautiful landscape that is Connemara in Ireland. So you can say, I'm an outdoorsy couch potato. *g*

Another fun fact: this is what my hair looks like:

The BIF questions

First I'll try my best with two of Jelenas questions.

What is your favorite place in the world?

Hmm, I'm kind of torn here...

Is it my big, red couch, where I lounge away comfortable while doing stuff (e.g. surfing or watching a DVD or playing a game). It's definitly my HQ in the apartment and the place I can really relax.

Or is it the couch of my grandmother, while we watch silly soap operas together, which is our daily routine (from 2 pm to 4 pm!) when I visit home for some days.

Or one of the great places I have seen and fell in love with like San Francisco, that I visited for a week on my 3-week-trip through the USA last year. Or the beautiful and wild Connemara, that I want and WILL visit again someday?

I can't really say. I'm just glad, all those places exist and that I can go back there anytime. :smile:

What was your dream job as a kid?

Another tough on, hmm. Like I mentioned in Jelenas blog, I was born in Eastern Germany, but I had the great fortune, that I just spend a part of my childhood behind the Iron Curtain (and at that age, you don't really experience the restriction). So while I grew up the wall fell and pretty much anything was possible. If I just could make up my mind that is. :grin:

I'm very curious, always was, so I really can't remember, if there was that one job I wanted to do when being a grown-up. Maybe care for and training horses, like my mother was. Or doing something like biology. Or... something else.

I still couldn't decide years later, when the clock was really ticking. I went from thinking about florist to construction draftsman to pathologist. Yes, wide spread, welcome to my mind. ^^ The last year before my graduation is the reason, I'm here right know and writing this, because there we learned Turbo Pascal in our IT class and that made me look for IT-related training, because I had so much fun doing it.

The “surprise” question: If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Okay, probably not really a surprise to people, who have witnessed my love for matt.pollicoves quote-sprinkled blogs, but I don't care! :razz:

Being a fan of fantastic stories, it's no wonder that I thought about which of those amazing powers I would love to possess, if I had the choice of picking one. Flying? To woosh to places I love to be instead of traveling for hours and hours? Or better yet beaming? Or how about slow aging. Or super healing?

Well, all of those and more are great, but the one I want to have is the ability to speak, read, write and understand all languages, still used or dead. Like I said, I'm really curious, so to have the chance to speak to everyone, understanding everything there is to read when I visit a foreign country and learning something about other cultures without the language barrier, that would just be awesome! Like the texts, the ancient peoples left. Or just the menu in a Japanese restaurant. Or helping some poor tourist looking for the right way. Or asking for it myself. Or discussing with deaf people per sign language!

Even when I just think of all those possibilities, I'm getting really excited! :grin:

I know, I could just learn a lot of languages. And I have on my "life - todo"-list to learn Japanese and Sign Language. But there is the time thing and the other one with forgetting the learned information when there is no chance of practicing every day. And also I'm kind of lazy when it comes to learn by heart, since I'm more of a practical person. ^^

So in short: being omniglot. :smile:

Coming to an end

In the traditonof the BIF-spirit, I blog it forward to akhilesh.kumar10, prashanth.kishan and  guanghui.du and challenge them to answer the following questions:

  • Name the person who affected you most in your career/ way of thinking and why?
  • If you could be a super hero (or are in your spare time) who would you be?
  • Which 5 things do you absolutely want to achieve in life?

EDIT on October,14th 2014:

Because that one extra push can make all the difference I'll pass the baton to m.lee and matt.fraser, too. Now you guys, we're waiting... impatiently and curious. And because I simply can, I throw another question on top of the three above for you two:

  • What is the movie or TV series, that describes your life so far the best?

To see how it's best done, read the Blog It Forward Community Challenge -document. It really helped me. :smile:

So there you have it, my BIF-entry. Kind of fun writing it and I hope, it was worth reading this far. ^^ If not, you know who to blame.



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