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Hey All !!!

I was blogged forward by vatsav (yeah. that's me!).

I so wanted to be part of Blog It Forward Community Challenge for so long but I was not marked in anyone's BIF but I waited for someone to BIF me. But, that's OK. I know the reason why it didn't happen though. It's probably due to my poor levels of interaction with community, I can say that at least! 

Don't worry. Start of the blog may not be good but I can assure you that ending will be gooooood. :wink:

You will know about me for sure!

(As you already know by now) My name's Srivatsava Janaswamy. I hail from one of the most religiously diverse nations in this world, India.

May not be "the best" introduction ever but please do bear with me on this. :razz:

Even now, I started writing this blog with the motivation of harisuseelan. Thank you so much once again.

  • Where am I from?

I was born at a place called "Vijayawada" which is most famous for a river called "Krishna". Here goes one beautiful view of the same. I completed education till +12 from this place.

  • Graduation details
    • I did my Bachelor of Technology degree from a Yanam college affiliated to Pondicherry University.
    • During my college days, I was so active that I tried my hand on anything that I could get hold of. Such was the case like whatever I do, I secured some prize.
    • We friends acted in a drama (comedy) in my 1st year of college for which I don't have any pic with me right now ( :sad: ) received huge acclamation and we all got recognized by then. People started asking me if the same team's gonna perform in 2nd year as well. I said No from my side because I didn't want to get projected in that angle. I am a guy who wants to explore possibilities.
    • In the very next year, I participated in a national level technical symposium showcasing a mini project I developed. Secured 1st prize. :cool: I was totally happy with what was going on around me.
    • In the very next year, I called some friends and said "Let's make a short movie". We crafted out a script and searched for locations and got an amazing one (large area of land with Half water, Half sand) . You can see a snap from the same, below. Secured 2nd prize in a national level short film festival conducted by a reputed institution.

    • Basic problem is I get bored if I don't do funky stuff. Then came my final year. I developed an Online Alumni System (final yr.project) for my college and got "The Best Project" award at the end of my Graduation.

  • How a guy like me ended up with SAP?
    • Unlike what most of them say, I didn't choose SAP rather SAP chose me! This is something that really happened with me.
    • Yeah. That's true. When I got the job in my first company as a fresher, skills were assigned randomly and I got SAP. :grin:
    • From then, I was totally into SAP Cloud area and it's been around 3.5yrs now. My job here is to "Learn. Learn. Learn". New stuff daily. Lot to learn. What Can I say? I have all my happiness here in this domain! :smile:
    • I do lot of self explorations even in my job and received lot of internal awards till now. All this because of support from people like you who helped me at the right time.

  • SCN Life: How I used to be?
    • With my profile stats, you might think I am new to SCN but not really. This is actually my second SCN account and I am already in plans to merge with my first account sometime later when Account merging tool by SCN team gets ready! So, from my srivatsava.janaswamy2, you will get to know that I rarely use it to login into SCN.
    • This is because, I noticed that whenever I answered something correctly, people say ThankYou. I feel like What the heck? Gimme my points. I needed points! I wasn't sure whether most of the people if they knew how to use SCN or not. I took a break (unfortunately, a long one)

  • SCN Life: How I am, now?
    • After a long break, when I made a re-entry into SCN, I was shocked to see a huge increase in the number of people. New rules. Lot of moderators. I was like "woooooo! Is this really a social community ???" So, I thought of giving a shot.
    • I may be part of several groups but, all my focus is concentrated on one group always, SAP Business Cloud and it's subspace. You can see me replying to every thread there.
    • Through a contact whom I follow, I got to know about Coffee Corner(Amazing group). I started digging SCN content from this point. It took more than a week. All I was doing was reading SCN threads in lot of groups and understanding how people are behaving.
    • Then I realized that all these people here (like moderators, guys who top charts etc..) were not really here for points! They find pleasure in helping people. Then, my mindset changed a lot.
    • Best example can be the reason why I am writing this blog. harisuseelan has in fact no need to ask me to write BIF. But, why did he do that? Isn't this enough to say that I am thinking about SCN in a right way?
      • In my perspective, SCN is far better than any other social community out there because moderators strive here to maintain this with quality content always. Moreover, it's not like Where's the question? And here's my answer! style which all other forums follow. I see strong relationships being developed here! SCN Admins bring up something always to make people active as a part of their gamification!
    • Nowadays, when there's a way to help, I am just replying with what I know to see if that helps in some way! I spend my time mostly in SCN now.
    • There are lot of people who led me in this way. It's really hard to name all here but a big thank you to all. :smile:

  • SCN memory that I will cherish forever. Snap with mark.finnern at TechEd 2013, Bangalore.

That's all for now!

I would like to blog it forward to sathianarayanan.hari alessandro.iannacci horst.schaude vinodkumar.kommineni with the following questions:

  • What makes you think SCN is different? And in what way?
  • What's your favorite place? Would you like to have it as your work place or just for vacation? :razz:
  • How do you see yourself being in SAP Technology?

Last but not least, I thank moshe.naveh for introducing this great idea!

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