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Former Member

Hi friends,

"Blog It Forward" (Bog It Forward Community Challenge) is a new and exciting blogging challenge on SCN. Yes it is. So I'm here today to accept this challenge and create my own BIF blog and talking a little bit about myself. I was blogged by arijit.das, thanks Arijit.

About Me

I’m Rukshani Pathirage from Sri Lanka, Sinhala Buddhist girl. I love to travel all around the world. It's my dream. 


  • Bachelor of Science degree, University of Colombo (UOC).
  • Higher National Diploma in Information Technology, University of Colombo, School of Computing (UCSC).
  • Following a Master degree (MSc in IT), University of the Moratuwa (UOM).


  • Analyst Programmer: Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited, which is the main fuel distribution terminal in Sri Lanka (2013 Feb to Present)
  • Junior/Programmer: EDM Systems, a developer of information management solutions for the engineering and construction industry (2009 Feb to 2013 Feb)

Fun with friendsAlms giving at homeKapruk PujaRuwanmali maha seya

It's my dream



Sri Lanka

One of the most beautiful and peaceful country in the world. After the end of civil war, it's time to talking about new era, new developments. Around the country it's blue ocean, really nice to see. While Nuwara Eliya (middle of the country) is having cool climate, Trincomalee (top of the country) is very hot climate. So you will able to see the difference within few hours.

SunsetWildlifeFloating market-PettahDalada Maligaya

Questions asked by Arijit

     1. What are the forums you follow other than SCN ?

              Open SAP         

              An SAP Consultant

              SAP Technical

     2. What you dislike the most inside SCN ?

              Always rejecting my Blog post and Documents :mad: (just kidding :smile: )

     3. How much your college studies help you in your professional life ?

              It's depend. Even though I haven't learn ABAP in my college studies, almost everything that i have learnt during my school time will be apply in different manner.

More details....

  • ABAP is new to me.
  • I would like to learn/explore new thing when I'm working.
  • It's a kind of self satisfaction when I get the expected output.
  • SCN always helps me to improve my knowledge.
  • I would like to be a good ABAP programmer in my career life.

Blogging It Forward

I'd like to BIF to:







And expecting answers for the following questions:

  1. What's the country that you wish to re-born?
  2. When you get free time what you wish to do?
  3. What  is the most memorable day in your life?



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