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Thank you hendrik.neumann for asking me to join the blog it forward initiative by moshe.naveh. I will try my best to let you know who I am and what I am doing.

About me

I grew up in Hamburg, Germany  and studied Informatics at the University of Hamburg here too. After finishing my studies in 1992 I joined a small consulting company, which was just founded. “Do you like to travel? Would you like to get to know SAP?” were two of the questions I was asked during the interview. I like to travel but SAP – What is that? Today you cannot imagine that at universities as well in the public SAP was almost unknown. So I started my career as a SAP consultant in the area of development banking. After ten years – I was married and our children Simon and Sara were just born - I changed my job joining Tchibo a well-known trading company selling a weekly changing non-food assortment as well as coffee. There I got to know to IT job “from the other side of the table”.

In 2006 I founded my own company Adventas Consulting. As an experienced business consultant, project manager and developer I am giving advice mostly to trading companies in the metropolitan area of Hamburg. Passing on my knowledge is a passion of me. Since three years I am participating in the Girls’Day initiative, together with others I take care of the local SAP Network Group in Hamburg and finally I started to organize together with renald.wittwer the SAP Inside Track in Hamburg. And I feel much honored that I became SAP Mentor recently.

Where I come From: Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg is a federal city state of Germany and with its 1.8 Million inhabitants Germanys second biggest town. Since the mediaeval age Hamburg is a trading town and also member of the Hanse, a medieval trading union. And still today with its harbor Hamburg is an important European trading town.


(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

In Hamburg you have always fresh air. Situated between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea we always have some wind. People don’t talk much. And if they do, it’s only short sentences. To great each other we say “Moin, Moin”. “Moin” means “Good” and thus “Good morning”. But we use this expression during the day and at night too. (A little bit more north the people just “Tach” which means “Good Day”).

Questions & Answers

If you could be a super hero (or are in your spare time) who would you be? - I would like to be James Bond. I like his technical equipment and the bond girls aren't that bad either.

What is your favorite activity that has nothing to do with SAP? - I love to play the acoustic guitar especially Bossa Nova I like very much.

What gives you inspiration for your professional live? - There are different things which inspire me. Listening to music or playing music can be is inspiring for me. But also when I do outdoor sports like skiing is also good for my creativity.

Blog it Forward

I am handing on to tobias.hofmann and mark.teichmann. My questions to you:

  • If you were given by your work a full day every week to do whatever you feel like, what would it be?

  • Which is the country / place you always wanted to visit but never managed to do so by now? Why would you like to go there?

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