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In 2012, one of my colleagues asked me to join a "Blog it Forward" challenge to encourage more blogging on the SAP Community Network (SCN).

In 2012, I participated on an internal Transformation team focused on SAP innovations and thought leadership in the area of mobility and analytics;  more specifically, we were working at that time to identify a handful of companies interested in participating in POCs for 6 high value use cases we had identified. It was exciting to have a role in shaping the future of the company.  This role on the transformation project was in addition to my normal "day job" as a Principal on the SAP Industry team.   Please note, since writing this blog initially, I accepted a leadership position with SAP's Global Center of Excellence for the Hana Platform.  I am still passionate about the importance of the Industry role at SAP as you can see from this 2012 interview: 

Here are the questions my colleague asked me to answer in this blog it forward challenge:

What event(s) led to your career choice?

I have a background in industrial engineering and business transformation consulting. Since 1992, I have been working with  the management teams of leading companies on improving their processes and leading business transformation initiatives.   Prior to joining SAP, I was fortunate enough to work at several different companies in various leadership and individual contributor roles including but not limited to: managing operations in Asia Pacific for a leading supply chain company;  serving as Vice President of Presales Solution Consulting for several software companies in the supply chain, aftersales parts planning and HCM environments;  I also Directed a team of consultants specializing in the High Tech business sector and at one point, had the pleasure of managing business development for a leading MES software company.  I truly enjoy working closely with leading companies to help understand the impacts of business trends on their processes and applying technology to help drive business improvements.  I recently participated in an interview highlighting not only key manufacturing trends, but what makes this Principal role so enjoyable, as well as how customers can work with their Account Executives to initiate a meeting with one of SAP's Principals.

Patrick Maroney in a 2012 interview on key trends in manufacturing and how customers can engage with
an SAP Industry Principal.  Source

What are you passionate about Professionally and Personally?

I continue to be passionate about helping companies to run more efficiently and drive growth.  I am passionate about helping my young daughter become everything she wants to be.   Remember, parenting is the most important job on the planet next to keeping Gary Busey off the nation's highways (joke courtesy of Dennis Miller).   I'm passionate about helping others - whether that be my co-workers, my customers, or those less fortunate.  In addition to participating in the SAP Month of Service - Volunteer days, I've also lead a recent relief effort for the victims of Hurricane Sandy (redcross donations) and will be co-chairing a community volunteer initiative through my university alumni organization.  There is a lot to be said about having passion in your life, but we must also be vigilant to keep it bridled.  I am reminded of  2 great quotes from 2 great humans: 

  • "Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring."  — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  • And lest you wind up like the little guy in the picture below, always remember what Benjamin Franklin said "If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins."

Never Give UP!

In keeping the Blog it Forward (BIF) going, I am asking you to respond to the following questions in your own blow on SCN:

- What event(s) led to your career choice?

- What are you passionate about professionally and/or personally?

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