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I'll admit, when my colleague marcusm first introduced me to the idea of "Blog It Forward", I was a little skeptical. I thought to myself, why would anyone care about what I wanted to be as a child?  What I initially failed to consider was, in order to have a successful presence as a blogger, my presence must first actually be known. And so begins my introduction into the blogosphere...

My official title with SAP is "Solution Engineer." Doesn't tell you much does it? Lets try another approach...my role is to demonstrate the value and impact SAP solutions can have on our prospective and existing customers. OK...that came out a little too formal, let's take it down a notch. In my job I get to work directly with customers, showing them technology that truly has the potential to change their lives.

In keeping with the theme, I'll start out answering some of the who, what, where and when's.

What was your dream job as a kid?

Maybe it's just me, but this is a challenging first question.

Quite honestly, I have no idea what my dream job was. I'm sure most of you heard the same cliches that I did. "Do what you love," "follow your passion," "if you build it they will come." Hmm, maybe not that last one...but you get my point. Well, if I would have followed my heart at age 10, I would probably be a defunct NERF gun designer by now.

Realistically, I don't know if I aspired to be anything until I reached high school. It was there that I met a teacher named Mr. Duffy, he taught Intro to Accounting.In most cases, an accounting course would be a high school students worst nightmare, but not one with Mr. Duffy at the helm. Somehow, despite the odds, this man found a way to make accounting tolerable (dare I say interesting?). So much so, that from then on, I knew my calling was accounting. Now the story of how I ended up here, well, that's another blog entirely.

What is your favorite place in the world?

My favorite place in the world is Italy. There's something about the people and the culture that is simply addicting. The people there work to live, not live to work, as so many of us tend to do. Everything they do revolves around their family and friends, to me there's nothing better. 

Some other reasons I love Italy (...as if I needed more):

  • The wine
  • The food
  • The scenery
  • The cars
  • Did I mention the wine?

What is the best lesson your parents taught you?

My parents had a big impact on me so it's hard to narrow down just one. Since I have to pick, I'm going with a lesson that checks off a number of boxes.

"Never settle for less than you deserve"

It taught me to be confident, never give up and work hard for the things that I need and want. It's gotten me this far...so that must mean it works, right?

Describe in one short sentence: "what need does your SAP solution meet"

Efficient budgeting, planning and consolidations.


Now here come my questions for all of you:


     1. What was your first job out of college?

     2. Is your college degree relevant to what you do today?

     3. Do you have any pets?

I guess that's gonna do it for my SCN debut. Expect to see some more content coming to a community near you. Feel free to follow me on twitter, http://twitter.com/epm_nick 



Those of you, who are not familiar with the "Blog It Forward Challenge", please read Moshe Naveh’s blog [http://scn.sap.com/community/about/blog/2012/08/20/blog-it-forward-community-challenge]

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