Hi, my name is Matt Champion and I am a Business Solution Architect, supporting the Travel, Transport & Postal Industries for SAP, based in the UK. I previously spent 10 years working for DHL, and decided to keep my industry focus but take a different direction in my career - moving from customer to supplier. One year in and I can honestly say it was definitely the right move - I love working at SAP!!
I was set the Blog It Forward Community Challenge by jason.cao who is an SCN Community Manager, and the trainer for a Social Media course that I was taking at the time of writing this post. Jason has posed the following three questions:
1) What Inspires you?
My children are definitely my inspiration!
They just amaze me every day, their intelligence, wit and humour is just staggering! Both my wife's and my parents both live on the coast - so we spend as much time with them and at the beach as possible! (All seasons!)
2) What have you accomplished recently that you're really proud of?
Becoming an SAP Design Thinking Practitioner.
Design Thinking is a subject that I have put a huge amount of personal focus on since joining SAP. Why? Because I have seen the power it brings and also having previously been a customer, I know that this approach can really can take the relationship with our customers to the next level; driving greater levels of empathy and deeper understanding. I have also been trailblazing the use of Design Thinking approach in our internal account planning process; with some very positive results.
If you want to know more about Design Thinking I would encourage you read the post from a fellow SAP colleague - heike.vangeel - "heike.vangeel/blog/2013/02/22/design-thinking-year-of-the-dragon-at-sap" There is also a good 2 minute Design Thinking with SAP intro video on YouTube.
3) If you could be a superhero, who would you be?
It's got to be Superman! Flying, superhuman strength, laser eyes .... Not sure about how convincing his glasses disguise really was thought!!! My earliest memory of a superhero is Superman, mainly from the movies, so for me he is the original superhero. (in the late 70's / early 80's the Superman movie special effects were state of the art!)
Thanks once again to jason.cao2 for his excellent training, coaching and inviting me to Blog It Forward. It is now my turn to Blog It Forward to others so Blog It Forward to adrian.simpson, steve.mawby, richard.stokes, ellie.lamey
Here are your three questions:
1. What is the strangest place you have ever been?
2. What is your favourite board game?
3. What is the best thing about working for SAP?