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My colleague moshe.naveh, asked me to join his "Blog it Forward" challenge.  I think it is a great way to learn the blogging process on SCN.

I am currently doing a six month Fellowship in SAP's Social Media group.  My normal job is working in SAP's Customer Group where I help customers be successful with their SAP implementations.

Here are the questions he asked me to answer:

What was your dream job as a kid?

I have always wanted to work with computers.  My first computer was an Atari where I wrote BASIC programs on my TV and stored them on a cassette drive.  In college, one of my best memories was my first computer class where I got an "A" on my first test and my most others didn't pass; it gave me a lot of confidence to pursue my passion.

What is your favorite place in the world?

My favorite place in the world is Orlando, FL.  That is why I moved to Orlando!!!  I am a big golfer and Orlando is where the Golf Channel is based.  My personal goal is to play every golf course in Orlando area.  So far I have played over 50 different courses and there are many more to play.

Other reasons I love Orlando:

  • Warm weather
  • Disney World
  • Laid back lifestyle
  • Home of SAPPHIRE!!!!  :smile:

What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

I am currently doing one of the most fun projects of my career with the Social Media Fellowship.  It fascinating to see the strategy of getting out the right message along with getting people to view the message.  SAP is one of the industry leaders so it is great to learn from the best.

In keeping the BIF going, I am asking the following questions:

  1. What was your dream job as a kid?
  2. What is your favorite place in the world?
  3. What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

To the following people in the Presales Group:

zachary.tullis, hannahdatz, siddh.magia, corina.lam, drew.leblanc, ryanlarsen, sarah.lavelle, kara.lutley, katie.bee, nicholas.meyer, philip.bayliss, jordan.gray, domingo.pacheco, jacobschur, josh.bentley, Ken Nelson, marcuscc

To the following people in the Industry Principal Group:

henry.bailey, robert.leeds, carr.phillips, james.mcclelland, juliestoughton, david.clemens, beth.vogel, dustin.anderson, digitalscot, patrice.cappello, johnny.clemmons, lisa.dalesandro, Linda Farinaccio , marco.gollarza, Todd Hall, bob.hritsko, gregory.huntington, bjonessap, kurt.kyle, michael.liss, surinder.paul, claudia.waldeis

To the following people in the Value Engineering Group:

jack.childs, christoph.lessmoellmann, Adam Darvell, manaskumar.sahoo, subhankar.pattanayak, michalczwarno, girishbhambhani, koertbreebaart, kaushik.ghatak, christian.jaerschke, franck.alfero, Nils Ebert, jacob.vaidyan, jan.gilg, andreas.korn, matthew.petersen, lance.bialas , jonas.laucys, victor.marz, amandeepsinghbhan, gianluca.battaglini, Ivan Alaiz Rodriguez, frank.siereveld, Carlos Cruz, colleen.walsh, leedevine, lyne.lambert, kim.fortejeff.hess, Mark Cerasale, Dirk Treusch, Doug Conner, Eric Gunther, anthony.duong, guilhem.devautour, josehc

To the following people in the Chief Customer Office:

kevin.beach frank.ciannella rakesh.doshi joe.molash matt.spohn stefan.neubig ben.bailey darren.devoue keith.johnson17

DeVoue, Darren <darren.devoue@sap.com>; Johnson, Keith <keith.johnson02@sap.com>

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