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Hi all,

I was blogged it Forward by Jitendra Kansal. You can read his excellent BIF blog here. It was joy reading it. I learned much about India, what I didn't know before.

My introduction:

My Name is Jürgen Noe.

I work for 13years as an SAP BW Consultant with deep ABAP knowledge now. Since July 2013 I work as Freelancer and independent Consultant. Before I started my career in SAP,  I formerly also programmed in MS Visual Studio, MS Access, JAVA, Cobol, Pascal, SmallTalk, C/C++ and even Assembler. Yes, I like programming a lot and I am always interested in exciting News regarding Software development. SAP BW made a very impressing development over the years. With SAP BO BI and HANA new Technologies were integrated, so you work never stops.

Fun Facts about my Country
Germany is triple worlchampion in Soccer (1954, 1974, 1990), so I think because it's again a year ending with 4, Germany has big chances to win the world Championship this year in Brasil again .-). Yes, I like Soccer very much. Below you find a Picture, where I was in Stutgart Mercedes-Benz Arena and watched the game Germany vs. Chile live.

Well, unfortunately the game was not that good as exptected, but as Gary Linnker said: "Soccer is that game, which lasts 90 minutes and Germany will always win".

Beside that Germany:

- has over 300 kinds of bread ( I didn't taste them all, but I can recommend "Bauernbrot", if you ever have the Chance to be in Germany and look for some good tasting bread

- has 35 dialects  - People form Hamburg in the North of Germany don't understand People from Munich deep in the South, if they are  talking in their dialects

- Gummy bears, Mercedes Benz and book printing are invented in Germany, and of course remember Konrad Zuse, Inventor of the first Computer at all

- The longest official word in german language:  Vermögenszuordnungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung  (56 letters) - in the Internet you may even find longer german words

Fun facts about my home town

My howetown is Mannheim.

Karl Drais invented in 1817 the first bicycle, Werner von Siemens invented in 1880 the first electrical elevator, Julius Hatry built 1929 the first rocket airplane - so you can see, Mannheim is a very good place for important inventions. It's not too far from Walldorf, the HQ of SAP. If you travel to SAP's german HQ, give Manheim a visit. It has lots of beautifull places, like Luisenpark - one of Europes greatest and most bautifull parcs and also a good place for many concerts in SAP Arena. Also walk over "Planken" (planks) a very nice  shopping mile, you will like it.

Below you find a Picture of "Rosengarten" - well known for it's DSAG Technology Days (this year for the first time in Stuttgart because of too many participants that "Rosengarrten" could not manage)

What is your favourite place in the world?

I like Toscana (Italy) or Provence (France) very much - Toscana in spring is very beautifull, much colours, good drinking, very nice People - I hope I can travel there soon once again.

What do you most enjoy on SCN?

I enjoy most the contests. I participated in an XCelsius contest for the olympic winter games and prepared a nice Dashboard. I didn't win, but it was fun a lot. I look forward too each new contest coming up. I also like the gamification. I will participate in SAP Netweaver Portal 2014 Movie Challenge

What do you think are the key elements for a successfull Project?

I think, the key element is listening and understanding, good communication and working together, helping each other. These are the really key elements in a Project. In my opinion many Projects fail, not because they didn't have the best programmer or the best project Manager or the best Software Tools available, no they failed, just because of wrong communication or no communication at all.

What makes you smile/laugh?

My Little son (5 years) makes me often smile. I also like laughing about a really good Comedy movie, but they're rare in the meantime. I like the old stars like Charlie Chaplin or Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

Had you not been in Software at all, where would you have been?
Indded a very difficult question, because I liked programming from the beginning and feel it really as my true profession. If there were no Software at all, I may have become teacher for mathematics. Because I like teaching young people, explain difficult things and work with them.

I would be glad if you can answer some of these questions:

1.) In which movie would you like to have taken part as actor?

2.) Which SAP product has excited you most in the past years?

3.) Which features will your favourite SAP product have within next five years?

Blogging it Forward:

I want to blog it Forward to sivakiran.uppala. I look forward of Hearing exciting BPC News of him.

Remember the rules of the game:

- Follow the Blog It Forward Chain in order to be updated when the people you blog it forward to post the links to their "Blog It Forward" blogs.

- Read Moshe's blog again to make sure you follow the rules in your own blog:

•Provide an introduction to yourself

•Provide a fun fact about your country or yourself

•Add a cool picture of yourself or your homeland/town

•Answer specific questions that were "Blog It Forward" to you

•Answer 3-4 optional questions from the bank of questions provided below.Or choose to answer questions you make-up on your own.

•Create 1-2 personalized  questions you would like to blog forward

•List at least 2  people who you are blogging it forward to. Share why you choose them. Link to their SCN profile by typing @  and then their name (e.g @HisName).

•Ask the community to follow the Blog It Forward Chain in order to be updated when the people you "Blog It Forward" to post the links to their "Blog It Forward" blogs.

Thanks for reading my blog. Your Comment/suggestions are most welcome. Looking forward to read everyone's Blog It Forward.

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