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Hello everyone! :smile:

I was blogged forward by my colleague caetano.almeida. BIF Thanks for inviting me, Caetano!

Here you can check more information about the "Blog It Forward" challenge: http://scn.sap.com/community/about/blog/2012/08/20/blog-it-forward-community-challenge


My name is Georgia Schlabitz Vanin. My journey with SCN is new, I explore SCN searching answers for my doubts!

My middle name, Schlabitz, is German and is from my mom's family. My last name, Vanin, is Italian and is from my dad's family. I have 19 years old and I was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Porto Alegre is a beautiful city situated in the south of Brazil and I love living here. I think the other city that I would like to live in Brazil it's Rio de Janeiro.

I am studying Production Engineering, at PUCRS (Pontificial University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul) in Porto Alegre and actually I am in the 3rd year of college. I started working at SAP LABS Latin America in march of this year, as an intern of Product Support. I work with the component PP-MRP (Production Planning - Material Requirement Planning) but I am also studying other components of PP.

I enjoy listening to music, traveling and swimming, but i am also a fan of football. I really enjoyed FIFA World Cup here in Brazil this year. Here is me and my dad having fun in Brasilia, the federal capital of Brazil. Cameroon x Brazil:


Fun fact about my country and state

Most of people around the world thinks Brazil is only soccer, samba and beaches. But it's not like that.

Brazil has twenty-six states and one federal district, where the federal capital, Brasilia, is located. Each state of Brazil has different cultures. Porto Alegre is located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which is the southern state of Brazil. The southernmost city in the country, Chuí, is located in Rio Grande do sul on the border with Uruguay.

We don't have beaches in Porto Alegre, but we have a lot of beaches in the coast of the state. Praia do Cassino (Cassino Beach) is located adjacent to the city of Rio Grande, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and is known as the longest beach in the world (approximately 254 km).

The climate in Rio Grande do Sul is subtropical. In the winter we have too much rains and cold wind. However, in summer, the temperature rises to almost 40ºC.

The habitants of Rio Grande do Sul are the "Gauchos". Rio Grande do Sul is one of the most culturally rich states of Brazil.

Churrasco is the most famous food in Rio Grande do Sul, it's like a grilled meat. And the most famous drink here is Chimarrão, which is like a sugarless tea made with mate wiht hot water. The "Gauchos" usually make a "circle of Chimarrão", where the gourd is passed around for everyone to drink. Anybody can join this circle and it isn’t proper to leave halfway through the circle, drink only a little or decline the Chimarrão. Drinking Chimarrão is a great way to stay warm on cold days, common in the south of Brazil. Pictures of Churrasco and Chimarrão:

We have two big soccer teams in Porto Alegre: Gremio and Inter. I'm a huge fan of Gremio and I like very much going to the stadium to support my team! Here is a picture of me in the old stadium of Gremio. Now, we have a new stadium: "Arena Do Gremio".

Answer to the 3 optional questions

- If you were 20 again, what would you study?

Actually, I'm almost 20 and I like very much studying Production Engineering :grin:

- What do you enjoy most in your work and why?

My course in college has not much about programming, so I am learning new things everyday. I learn new things with my colleagues and i enjoy it very much.

- What is your favourit musician/band?

My favorite band is S.O.J.A.

Blogging it Forward

I'd like to blog it forward to the following people:







Please answer these three questions:

- If you could choose another city to live, what city would you choose?

-  What do you enjoy most in your work and why?

- What is your favourit musician/band?

Best regards

Georgia Vanin
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