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My name is Eyal Katz, and I am a member of the SAP TechEd and eChannels business development team. I have been asked by oxananoa.zubarev, in her BIF blog, to participate in the Blog It Forward (bif) experience, set to take SCNers on an around the world tour by getting to know the community members. 

For more on BIF, read Moshe's blog post.

Oxana asked me to:

share a crazy story about myself.

Don't know how crazy this story may be but I really enjoy sailing.  While doing some traveling, I discovered that you can go see exotic and pricy location sby being employed on a rich person's yacht. Not wasting any time, I found myself cruising the coasts of France, Spain, Cyprus, The Carribean, Bahamas, Florida, and have crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice on various lavish super yachts. I have worked for some of the richest people in the world and have seen some of the most extravagant displays of wealth (a pool table with a built in gyroscope to keep it level while the yacht rocks from side to side or a one of a kind amphibious car built out of a classic 1950s american vehicle).  Here's a pic of the last yacht I worked on called Oxygen:

What do I enjoy most about SCN?

I would say that what I enjoy most about SCN is the social aspect of it. The SCN platform is great for creating a community and developing a cohesive bond with other social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter through social plugins embedded in SCN content pages (please use them ). I also enjoy how easy it is to find the content that I am looking for through the SCN taxonomy.  But, to be honest, what I enjoy the most about SCN is following the number of views my content receives. Careful, it can be addictive.

I will forward my BIF to:

idit.herzog2 Manager of Business Developement for eChannels

chiranjivi.rd Takeholder of the ICC space

I would like to ask them if they were 20 again, what would they study?

And what do you imagine or predict is the future of your topic?


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