First of all special thanks go to
nilpeksen for nominating me to participate ?
In order to add some context, I suggest first to take a look at
blog post "Blog it Forward", one the most funny and interesting initiatives around SAP Community.
So, here it is my #BIF
About me
I was born in Barcelona in 1973, where I grow up. I was the older of 2 children in the family.
This was me... ?
When I was 12y I learnt to play basketball ? what become one of my favourite sports and hobby... and passion. Later I became coach assistant, delegate of a local team Grup Barna in Clot, the neighborhood where I was born. I spent more than 15 years with direct activities around this sport. I combined this passion with my studies also when I was at University (Telecom and Electronics at University Ramon Llull - La Salle Barcelona). They were amazing years enjoying playing basketball, training young teams, knowing amazing people. In parallel to this, I became a FC Barcelona basketball team supporter, all these years till today. This has become one of my passions. Recently sad and shocked by the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant, one of my NBA basketball idols.
When I met my wife, we decided to live together in my current town,
Sant Cugat del Valles, a very nice and lovely place to live only 20km from Barcelona. Here, I enjoy the quality to live in a place where I can walk through the streets and parks, enjoy with traditions and culture activities, practice some sport, ... We have 2 kids, Núria (10y) and Roger (14y). Well, I am in love with my family.
All my family love to travel and explore new landscapes and cities. From my personal experience, I began to open my mind and learned a lot from other people when I started to travel abroad. One of my favourites trips was to Japan, I am a Japaneese culture lover ^.^
My last confession is my love for music. I like to play my 2 guitars when I have some free time, just an amateur player. Now I have a new challenge to learn to play an ukelele, but need to find some free time... And my favourite group since I have memory is
Queen I am very big fan of their music. Even, in my first travel to London I visited this fan house...
Now, time to focus back on Nil’s questions.
Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don’t know?
Well, I don't like too much to speak in public... Shyness and nervousness mixed. When I have to speak in business meetings to present or explain anything in front of my colleagues or bosses, or when I am on stage to introduce and open #sitBarcelona community event is a really hard time to me. Each time, I prepare some kind of script, but at the end I realize that I have mixed almost everything I wanted to express.... But at the same time, when I finish some kind of satisfaction feeling invades me, milestone achieved!
What is your personal life dream?
"Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too.
Imagine all the people, Living life in peace,
You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one"
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Looking back I realize all the different SAP community roles I have been played and all the different SAP event types I participated. I feel very lucky and honoured to have experienced each one.
For me, discovering all amazing people from all the world I have met along these years is one of the most valuable treasure I will never would have dreamed.
Just a quick recap at the roles by order: SAP customer (1998-..),
AUSAPE (Spanish SAP User Group Volunteer) SOA SIG Leader (2007-2008) and SAP Cloud Platform SIG Leader (2019-..), AUSAPE Board member (2012-2013),
SUGEN Core Leadership Team member (2014-2015), AUSAPE Chairman (2014-2015),
SAP Mentor (2016-2019) and
SAP Champion (2019-..).
When attending events: SAP Teched, Sapphire, F-KOM, D-KOM, SAP Select, SAP Forum, UKISUG Conference....
What do you most enjoy about the SAP Community?
Networking. This word summarizes the community essence. Afterwards comes knowledge sharing, best practices exchanges, etc... but contact and meet people around what we do, what we work, what we enjoy has no price.
Now I’d like to read and learn from:
to share their insights or perspectives about the questions below.
- Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don’t know?
- Name the person who affected you most in your career/ way of thinking and why?
- If you could be a super hero (or are in your spare time) who would you be?
- What do you most enjoy about the SAP Community?