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See how SCN Topic Leaders are driving career growth via community engagement

No matter how much you know, there is still something out there to learn.”  I love this quote from modak.gupta, 2014 Topic Leader, who is addicted to SCN. He and fellow Topic Leaders, krishna.tangudu, sara.g (aka Sara G), and midhun.vp, sat down at SAP TechEd Bangalore to share how they’ve established credibility and visibility as leaders in the community.

Watch these quick videos to see how these passionate community members drove career growth by engaging on SCN. 

“For me, the day starts with SCN and ends with SCN”, says Krishna Tangudu. Krishna joined the community to earn his certification in 2011. Like Modak, he became addicted to SCN which offered learning opportunities that led to knowledge sharing and ultimately career acceleration. Watch to see how Krishna became HANA certified by using SCN solely.

Midhun V P started using SCN to get his questions answered, but once he started contributing he was quickly recognized as an SAP Topic Leader and SCN Member of the Month. Watch Midhun’s story to see how he ultimately landed a job at SAP.

“Learn, Earn, & Share” is Sara Iyer’s motto. See how her motto enabled Sara to become an SCN Topic Leader for two consecutive years in a row, while gaining increased visibility and credibility with her employer.

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Check out oddss to learn more about the Topic Leader Program.