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When jan.penninkhof2 was invited to DKOM Tel Aviv 2012, he asked me if I would like to send a short video message to the participants of DKOM. As far as I know he asked couple of people from the Netherlands to do the same so that he had a little sample of opinions to share in the conference. I thank Jan again for giving this opportunity.

I think it is useful to share these opinions and trigger some discussion about it. For example at the time of the DKOM a lot has been said about free SAP developers license and yes, good news, in Sapphire it was announced.

In my message I talked about how I and our customers see SAP developers and how I see product development.

You can watch the video message or read the highlights below.

Regarding developers at SAP:

  • SAP has become more open and at the same time social media got widespread. This combination created a new situation, where experts are visible in social media (think of the SAP Community Network, LinkedIn, twitter, etc) and what is a nice trend that they are more and more willing to share knowledge and learn from others, whether inside or outside the SAP organization.

Regarding product development at SAP:

  • We see that scrum results in shorter delivery cycles, faster innovation, but it became even more true that never start with first version (e.g. weekly HANA patches)
  • We see the need to focus more on user experience (esp. mobile)
  • We see the need for clearer positioning of products (e.g. Java vs. ABAP, overlapping products, etc.) and clarity about license
  • What really helps is more interaction in the ecosystem (Innojam, Customer Engagement Initiatives, Idea Place, etc.)
  • What also helps in adoption is making resources available to the ecosystem (Access to SUP took longer, hosted Gateway was unavailable for long time, but UI5 went very well)
  • We participate in the ODP and Neo beta programs, here we have great experience: great team, great support, good documentation, easy to get started
  • When our customers are in early adoption of new technologies the support we get from SAP developers is very good (BPM, BO BI4, HANA)
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