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Community Advocate
Community Advocate

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Wishing a warm welcome to our latest additions to the SAP Champions family! Being accepted into one of our programs is seen as a top recognition, so the members should be very proud indeed. It’s great to add a new diverse mix of both expertise and location to say the least. We plan to expand this further.

About the program
The SAP Champions program was founded in 2019 and is one of two prestigious programs in SAP Community, the other being the SAP Mentors program. The SAP Champions program provides the framework to enable our top contributors across SAP Community & ecosystem to operate at their full potential, while also connecting community leaders to one another.

About community
Community is all about connecting people. Seeing people learn from one another, share their ideas and experiences, support one another, get involved in discussions and much more!

Who are SAP Champions?
SAP Champions are the role models and leaders making SAP Community a more inclusive and receptive environment where all individuals are welcome to seek help and exchange knowledge. They have tremendous community spirit that radiates across SAP Community as well as in their own local communities where they reside. They are passionate people who advocate for software adoption and all things SAP Community related.

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Heartiest congratulations to our newest members!

Daniel Mateo, SpainMarco Buescher, Germany
Hilal Kurt, TurkeyNatallia Shtura, Poland
Khaled Elghali, GermanySandra Solis, Mexico
Lluís Salvador, SpainTsovinar Chugaszyan, Germany
Manuel Robalinho, BrazilWalid Ben Sabeur, France

What makes a great SAP Champion?

Being a top contributor across SAP Community & ecosystem for one! Read more.

Help us to welcome them!
Please join us in welcoming these amazing candidates by leaving a comment below!

@DanielMateo @Hilal_Kurt @Khaled_Elghali @Lluis @MRobalinho 
@marcobuescher @natallia_shtura @Sandra_Solis @Tsovinar @walid 
@StephanieMarley @christoph_christophersen @lauraschmitz @marco_v_santos 

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