Hi every one! Hope you all fine!.
I have the following scenario:
I need MRP use Rounding Value for supply a plant, this is my network distribution:
Plant 1 ---> Plant 2 ---> Final customer
Plant 1 Receive a PRqRel (30 pcs) order from Plant 2
Just i want to know if i can change the KF Value with a Macro, e,g. I have Hectolitres (This is my base unit), but i want to change the value to Box (cs) with out change the key figure unit i only want to change the value.
Can i do it with a ...
Hi, moorning.
I have some issues when i create production orders in ECC, when i view that order in APO i realice that doesnt have the correct PPM PP DS, For example:
I create a production order in ECC with the follow values:
Location: PC07
Hello.I did the test you suggest me.I havent solved my problem yet, for that reason i asked to sap with a ticket.I found a similar issue note, the number is 811523.But this note do not apply for my ussie because it is a solution for a older version.T...
Hello.I did the test you suggest me.I havent solved my problem yet, for that reason i asked to sap with a ticket.I found a similar issue note, the number is 811523.But this note do not apply for my ussie because it is a solution for a older version.T...
Hi R. Bramhmankar, thanks for you answer.The production order that i had created was in plant PC07.This situation appear in all material-location.When i create planned orders (SNP) in APO with PPM's SNP, they use the correct PPM SNP, only i have issu...
Hi Lingaiah, thanks for you answer.I already delete and integrate again, while i was integrating i had an issue, that it was mention the Plan Explosion was inccorrect and i couldn´t integrate afther that when i changed plan explosion ussing number 2...