I unable to update date in my form (UDO).
only specific date like 30 Sept and 31 August
There is no programming logic behind the 2 dates.
Error shows : String or binary data would be truncated.
Any advice?
Thanks in adva...
Hi Experts,Error message "(-10)" pop out without descriptions after successfully login.but after clicked OK on the message, the application just terminated / close.Anyone facing the same problem. It happened to few client's PC.TQ
Dear Experts,We have set the SAP B1 setting currencies to round to fivehundreth as default.I tried to use SDK to create document that it is not to use any rounding. oPCH.Rounding = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYESoPCH.RoundingDiffAmount = 0But the documen...
Dear Experts,I received this message when trying to update OHEM table (middle name field).Internal error -2012 Anyone know how to solve this?Thanks in advance.nd.Q
Hi Bryan,Something like this. simple one. Dim oOHEM As SAPbobsCOM.EmployeesInfo oOHEM = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oEmployeesInfo) oOHEM.GetByKey(12) oOHEM.MiddleName = "my middle name" oOHEM.Update()nd.Q