Hi Experts,
I have created an BRF+ application with rule to validate some condition and throw error message.
I have created a log message of type error.
But when simulating the function with this rule, I am getting only message, without a...
REPORT ztest_brf_mdm01.
CONSTANTS:lv_function_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id VALUE 'BC305BCE60AA1EDEA2D41D9517A18DA3'.
DATA:lv_timestamp TYPE timestamp,
lt_name_value TYPE abap_parmbind_tab,
ls_name_value TYPE abap_parmbind,
This is when I execute and display processing step. If I click on that message, then it is showing the detailsBut I need it to raise an exception so that when I call this BRF+ from another class, I can show the error message