Hi,I would like to understand the usage of Packing group and Standard HU type in Product master -->Packaging data.Is this used for Inbound and Outbound packing?The F1 help on Std HU type says "Describes Standard HU Type for mixed HUs, where no packin...
Hi,I would like to understand the usage of Packing group and Standard HU type in Product master -->Packaging data.Is this used for Inbound and Outbound packing?The F1 help on Std HU type says "Standard HU Type for mixed HUs, where no packing instruct...
I am looking to create Inbound Delivery automatically in EWM on confirmation of Production Order using CO11N or CO15.
Can someone please help with the configs/process for this?
We are using S4 embedded EWM 2020. Trying to use RF to Receive the HUs from Production orders. Using the RF option Inbound Process-->Receiving of HUs -->Receive HU by Manufact--> Receive HU by Order. Getting error message - "E: Items with no wa...
I have a product in Inbound delivery in two different units, Box and Pallets. Need the decon step in Inb process only if the HU type is Pallet.If Pallet,it has to go through Uload, Repack and Putaway. If Box, then only Unload and Puyaway