Member since ‎2013 May 14

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Dears,we need to implement a new scenario, where end user creates parked PR only, then finance check the PR and validate the GL account or asset number, then save to be removed from park and go to release.we already activated the Park and Hold in Pro...
Dears,we could adjust PO release indication in a way to select new release upon PO changes, but in PR we can choose certain layout with specific field to changeable and others not (after PR release).is there a way we can do the same for PO after fina...
Hi,simply, is there a system message to prevent unrelease PR after PO created reference to this PR.Thanks
for make-to-stock strategy , we entered demand plan which is reduced by sales deliveries with backward consumption 90 days in screen "Maintain consumption mode and period of adjustment".the question is how we can change consumption period units to be...
how could i add a field "production supervisor" to time ticket screen (trans: CO11N) ?